Photo Credit: Claudia Marcelloni

Employers Profiling

Who Are We?

Think Physics is a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) outreach project working with schools, families, and individuals across the North-East of England, with Northumbria University City Campus as our Think Lab hub. We run activities and workshops spanning pre-school to post 16 focusing on promoting interest and equality for all who may be interested in STEM subjects and provide insight into possible career opportunities, which are associated with further study within the relevant fields.

Current Development

We are currently putting together a bank of careers information and caste studies for our website, which contains a variety of companies (especially ones with locations in the North-East), which are employers of STEM related career disciplines, as well as case studies on individuals with interesting STEM jobs within those companies.

It is our hope that from this database of companies the students find inspiration to go on to study a STEM subject in further education and go on to meet the high demand for intelligent specialists within the thriving STEM businesses in the UK and beyond.

What We Request

To achieve this goal we would really appreciate cooperation with your company so we can create an informative page about your business. We aim to show potential prospective STEM subject graduates precisely what your company does (what products and/or services are available with relevant statistics of interest) as well as what careers opportunities/ job roles are available and which school subjects are applicable to those professions. Furthermore, if there is any particular employee of your company working in a STEM related profession such as Engineering or other Science, Math’s or Technology or, related occupation who’d be willing to let us write a case study on their particular job then we would love to get in touch!


Whilst it may be possible to get some generalised information about what your company does and what careers opportunities there are it would be of great help to us if you could provide us with an accurate informative summary of these things. Also, if you could bless us with your permissions to use your logos and images, along with providing us with an assortment of high-resolution images of your own then it would be infinitely useful. We specifically desire logos, and any images depicting what your company and professionals do whilst carrying out their day-to-day jobs. These images are always great to publish in the article to make it more visually enticing and interesting for a younger audience.

Additionally, if your company has any videos showing interviews with staff members which explain their job role and background and/or information about the products and services provided by your company.

For reference, here is an example of a case study/ employer’s profile: