Your child has been using our Light loans box in class. NUSTEM loans boxes are linked to STEM careers and contain original objects and replicas that can be handled and used as part of classroom activities. While using the resources in the boxes, children get the opportunity to try out and explore some of the skills, techniques, equipment and ideas that STEM professionals use on a day-to-day basis.
Did you know that our eyes see different wavelengths of light as different colours? This box allows children to split white light into the colours of the rainbow; reflect and direct light using mirrors; and investigate ultraviolet light and shadows.
Try this at home
Visit our STEM at home Looking Through water page to explore how light travels using a glass of water and a picture.
Visit our STEM at home Spinners page to make a spinning top from card and a short pencil. You will explore how your eyes see colour by spinning your top and recording what you can see.
Careers links – what is a laser scientist?
A laser scientist is a scientist who has extensive training in designing, building, operating, and maintaining high-energy manufacturing or research laser equipment. Laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser light has a specific wavelength and is concentrated in a narrow beam of very high-intensity light which can focus very accurately. Laser scientists can develop medical lasers which treat or remove tissues or scientific lasers which are used in areas such as laser scanners, nuclear fusion or microscopy. They may be involved with military uses of lasers which include guidance, target designation and directly as energy weapons, or with industrial and commercial uses such as entertainment, surveying or bird deterrents.
Careers linked with the Light box
Your child may have looked at these careers at school.
Each career has 3 personal qualities to focus on. We call these attributes. We want to show children that they already have the skills that they need to have a career in Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths (STEM).