Your child has been using our Mini Beasts loans box in school. NUSTEM loans boxes are linked to STEM careers and contain original objects and replicas that can be handled and used as part of classroom activities. While using the resources in the boxes, children get the opportunity to try out and explore some of the skills, techniques, equipment and ideas that STEM professionals use on a day-to-day basis.
Our Mini Beasts box has lots of mini beasts in resin for children to examine and sort as well as all of the equipment they will need to go outside and find their own mini beasts!
Try this at home
Visit our STEM at home Bug Hotel page to create a transparent shelter where you can see what the bugs are up to. You will need a 2l plastic bottle, string and some natural materials collected from your local environment.
Visit our STEM at home Make a Wormery page to become a worm expert by observing worms over a week in your own worm home. All you need is an empty bottle, some soil and vegetable scraps and you are ready to go.
Visit our STEM at home Seed Bombs page to to attract pollinators to your garden. You will need soil, flour and wildflower seeds for this activity.
Careers Link – Entomologist
Entomology is the study of insects, their relationships with other animals, environments and human beings. Entomologists contribute to scientific knowledge by finding the best ways to pollinate crops, conserve insect species, and protect crops, trees, wildlife, and livestock from pests. They may specialise in particular fields. Structural entomologists study insects found in buildings such as cockroaches, finding ways to prevent them from entering and how to get rid of them. Forensic entomologists help solve murder cases by studying the insects found on dead bodies to determine the timeline and location of a crime. Medical entomologists research ways to prevent the spread of diseases like West Nile Virus from insects to people.
Careers Linked to the Mini Beasts loans box
Your child may have looked at these careers at school.
Each career has 3 personal qualities to focus on. We call these attributes. We want to show children that they already have the skills that they need to have a career in Science, Technology, Engineering or Maths (STEM).
Vivek Nityananda Behavioural ScientistClick here to add your own text