Physics in Perspective – enrichment course for sixth-formers and college students
Northumbria University, Friday 20th March 2015
About the event
Aimed at sixth formers and college students, Physics in Perspective offers insights into many different aspects of modern physical science. The half-day session will combine physics lectures, STEM careers information and an introduction to Northumbria University.
The speakers are all chosen for their ability to help physics come alive, to illustrate its impact on our lives and to explore its potential for shaping the future world with engineering and technology.
This event is organised by the Institute of Physics (IOP) and Think Physics at Northumbria University.
If the weather is fine, we will take the opportunity to observe the partial solar eclipse at the beginning of the event.
09:15 Welcome & The Solar Eclipse
We will meet and register for Physics in Perspective on Northumberland Road, between the Sports Centre and Ellison Building, so we can view the solar eclipse.
Look out for staff in green t-shirts.
Eclipse glasses will be provided so you can view the solar eclipse safely.
09:40 A Brighter Future for Solar Energy

Courtesy NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE & HMI science teams
Dr Nicola Pearsall, Northumbria University Newcastle
The University’s Northumberland Building was the first building in the UK to be fitted with a solar panel façade. This interactive lecture will introduce photovoltaics as a practical and reliable renewable energy technology, which harnesses energy from the sun and turns this into electricity. The lecture will explain how the devices work and how very thin films – one thirtieth the thickness of a single strand of hair – can make low cost solar panels for the mass market. It will also consider how we select the materials to be used in solar cells.
10:40 Break
11:00 Physics and Maths in Computer Games & Visual Effects
Dr. Jon Purdy, University of Hull
From calculating the angle that a ball bounces off a wall to modelling the frictional forces on a rally car, physics and maths have always played a part in the development of computer games and special effects. In recent years the drive for more realistic environments has resulted in the implementation of advanced simulations in computer games software. This lecture gives an overview of the maths and physics used to make computer games, and is illustrated by demonstrations and examples.
12:00 Where Can Physics Take Me?

Courtesy STFC/CERN
Emma Garrick, Outreach Specialist for Careers and Employers, Think Physics,
Dr Adam Tuff, Kromek, Dr Dominique Morrison & Dr Gary Wells, Northumbria University
An introduction and exploration of STEM careers, looking at opportunities both locally and nationally with insights from sector employers. This session will illustrate the range of opportunities accessible through studying physics.
12:45 End of Event
Download the full programme (PDF, 260Kb)
Booking your Place
The course is open to groups of students, individual students, teachers and parents.
Book your tickets today on Eventbrite
The closing date for bookings is 6th March 2015.