NUSTEM has always been focused on disseminating our learning. On this page you will find summaries of our work in the form of our annual reports, project final reports, impact and evaluation reports, and sector guidance documents.
Annual Reports
Our annual reports outline the key projects, partnerships and interactions and publications of the year.
Briefing Papers
Principles of STEM Engagement
This document outlines what we believe practitioners and organisers should think about while planning STEM engagement activities.
Implementing the Tomorrow’s Engineers Code
This document provides an evidence-based, practical guide for improving the impact of STEM Engagement Activities. Written originally for organisations that have become signatories of the Tomorrow’s Engineers Code from EngineeringUK, we think that it’s relevant for all organisations involved in STEM engagement activities.
Impact Report 2014-2020
The NUSTEM Theory of Change allows us to evaluate the impact that our activities have had in a range of areas. This report outlines the impact and outcomes from the first six years of NUSTEM. This is of particular relevance to REF processes.
For a historical view of where NUSTEM started, here is the first interim report we provided to HEFCE (our funders). At this point, the project was called ‘Think Physics’:
Project Reports
For our externally funded projects, we provide reports to our funders. Often we write additional reports to document the evaluation findings and learning from our projects to be of use to others in the sector. These kind of reports are found below.
Conference papers and journal about these projects can also be found on our research pages.
2022 – 2023 Careers-related learning in Chemistry (CLIC). An education project funded by the Royal Society of Chemistry offering secondary schools a programme of embedded chemistry-focused, careers-linked activities for pupils currently in Year 7.
2022 Careers-related learning in primary schools. A policy engagement project funded by the Capabilities in Policy Engagement team in collaboration with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP), to analyse current Career Related Learning (CRL) in primary school settings to inform government policy on careers guidance.
2021 – 2022 Creativity Clubs. We worked with Success4All to develop and deliver . The project is a year-long series of 6-week Creativity Clubs for 4-7 year olds in a North East Community Centre.
2019 – 2021 Me, You and Science Too. A STEM and literacy engagement project funded by the SHINE Trust supporting families of children in Early Years at Battle Hill Primary School. It was also a research project, adopting an action research methodology to explore the most effective ways of securing family involvement with literacy and STEM.
2019–20 Careers in Initial Teacher Education, funded by the Careers and Enterprise Company and in collaboration with the North East Local Enterprise Partnership (NELEP) was a feasibility study into the possibility of embedding careers-related learning into initial teacher education.
2019–20 Geography: Past, present and future. This project was a collaboration between NUSTEM and researchers from Northumbria Universities cold and palaeo-environment (CAPE) research group.
2017–18 Family Space Explorers, funded by the UKSpace Agency helped to increase the confidence of families to talk about space and science.
2016–17 Engineering for Families, funded by the Platton Fund at the Community Foundation, allowed parents and carers to work alongside their children to learn about the importance and application of engineering.