NUSTEM aims and approach

NUSTEM is a STEM education research group at Northumbria University. We support schools, staff and students across the North-East of England, developing their long-term engagement with STEM and STEM careers.

Our approach uniquely combines:

  • Supporting educators embedding career information into their teaching practices by creating career-led resources. This approach aligns with the delivery of the Gatsby Benchmarks of Good Career Guidance.
  • Supporting young people to foster 15 attributes intrinsic to every STEM professionals by weaving the attributes in our activities and resources, helping young people to recognise their potential to become the STEM professionals of the future.
  • Supporting educators and young people with information about different routes into STEM by organising, or signposting, future pathways activities.

Secondary schools who are interested in joining the network should read the information on this page and complete the form below.

Primary schools who are interested in the network offer should visit our NUSTEM Schools Network (Primary) page.


NUSTEM Schools’ Network

NUSTEM Schools Network is a network of staff from local secondary schools and colleges which shares and supports our aims. Network members will benefit from access to our activities and resources. Members will be kept informed on a regular basis (often termly) on any further opportunities.

The NUSTEM Schools Network also benefits NUSTEM. Engaging with staff in schools and colleges, will inform our research driven approach and support our contribution towards a more diverse STEM sector.

Our offer to Network Schools

STEM Assemblies

Our STEM assemblies signpost students to local employers and careers in a particular STEM sector. Network schools can request a pre recorded version of the assembly or for it to be delivered online.

University Experience Week

Aimed at Y12 students keen to understand what it is like to study STEM subjects at university level, Experience Week takes place at Northumbria University every year during February half term.

KS5 Evening Lectures

Six inspirational evening lectures, during the autumn term, on a variety of topics. Lectures are often presented by Northumbria University staff, with some guest speakers from industry.

KS3 STEM Person of the Week

STEM Person of the week is an effective and easy tool to help broaden knowledge of STEM careers, break down stereotypes and explore the STEM attributes in KS3. With links to Gatsby Benchmark 4, Network Schools can access the materials for free.

Staff CPD

We currently offer a two-part CPD session focussing on Gatsby Benchmark 4: “Embedding careers in the classroom”.

Career resources

Collection of curriculum-linked worksheets and subject postcards, made for teachers in secondary schools.

Join our Network of Schools

Join our Network of Secondary Schools(Required)
By submitting this form, you agree to join the NUSTEM Schools Network. We will use your details to regularly communicate with you, often by email, about the offer and additional opportunities

Your data

Personal information submitted via this form will be handled in accordance with our privacy policy. Information will be used for the purpose of supporting the NUSTEM Schools Network. No personal data being made public nor shared with third parties. You may withdraw permission for your data to be used at any time by contacting By submitting this form you indicate that you have agreed to these terms.

© Northumbria University 2014-25