16th January 2015: Giraffe on a Raft!
On 16th January, Mrs Aitken’s and Miss Andersen’s Year 1 classes met Joe and Emma… and a raft full of giraffes.
You balanced, you tested, you floated. You probably did quite a lot of sinking too. You made predictions, and you made a mess. OK, I’m guessing you made a mess – I’m writing this at Think Lab so I don’t actually know, but Joe made quite a mess trying the activity out yesterday, so I think it’s a fair guess you did too.
Click the picture of brave Gemma testing the rafts for a reminder, and some thoughts about how what you did today connects to what professional scientists and engineers are doing every day.
Link to Giraffe on a Raft activity.
Joe will be back at Southridge in March with meteorites and a planetarium. See you then!