Latest Blog Posts

Think Club 0 – Maker Week, day 3

A quiet day today, with family commitments reducing the turn-out.…
15 April, 2015/by Jonathan

Sci-Pop. Think Physics visits North Shields

Think Physics had a great day at the Beacon Centre in North Shields…
15 April, 2015/by Annie Padwick

Think Club 0 – Maker Week, day 2

A day of concentration, quiet focus, and trying to work out…
14 April, 2015/by Jonathan

Think Club 0 – Maker Week, day 1

The intrepid members of Think Club 0 – our trial of a maker…
13 April, 2015/by Jonathan

Science Matters: BSA interview politicians

Think Physics won't be passing comment on individual party policies…
12 April, 2015/by Jonathan

Sci-Pop is coming! Pop-up shop in The Beacon Centre, North Shields, 14th April

7 April, 2015/by Jonathan

The Satellite Sector

The UK space sector currently supports 95,000 full-time jobs…
7 April, 2015/by Emma

Future Opportunities: Atom Bank creating new jobs

Atom Bank is a new company which hopes to open as a bank in October…
1 April, 2015/by Emma

The IET launch #LittleEngineers

The IET have just launched a lovely campaign called Engineer…
30 March, 2015/by Emma

Experiment Zone Launch

Our partners the Centre for Life today launched their new Experiment…
24 March, 2015/by Jonathan

Evolution CPD

Think Physics, in conjunction with Reading University, is hosting…
23 March, 2015/by Carol

Your Universe: Explored

One of the projects Think Physics is partnered with is Explore…
23 March, 2015/by Jonathan

Solar Eclipse and Physics in Perspective

We’ve had a predictably hectic first British Science Week here…
20 March, 2015/by Jonathan

Work with us?

Think Physics is looking for another Outreach Specialist in Secondary…
19 March, 2015/by Carol

Partnership working

Although the Think Physics project is led by Northumbria University,…
10 March, 2015/by Carol

Work Experience Diary: Sam Rees

My name is Sam Rees and I am an A-level student from Whitley Bay High School doing…
9 March, 2015/by Guest

Work Experience Diary: Jamie Clark

My name is Jamie Clark, I’m half way through my first year…
9 March, 2015/by Guest

Embedding Careers Advice in Schools

On Monday 2nd March the BBC published an article called  All…
9 March, 2015/by Emma

Thermal Selfies

Today Think Physics was visiting The Hermitage Academy STEM fair.…
7 March, 2015/by Carol

Tinkering Thursday: March 5th “Turn it off!” edition

Andrew has invented the ANNOY-O-TRON!! It’s in block capitals…
5 March, 2015/by Jonathan

World Book Day

Today is World Book Day.  Across the country, schools will be…
5 March, 2015/by Carol

Two PhD Studentships Available

4 March, 2015/by Jonathan

Isaac Physics workshop – Gallery

Today we’re hosting a teachers’ workshop delivered by Ally…
28 February, 2015/by Jonathan


Large boxes. Small boxes. Boxes with packing chips. Boxes with…
27 February, 2015/by Jonathan