25th February: Meteorites @ Oakfield

Y4s at Oakfield investigating meteorite impact craters.
Today I’ve been back at Oakfield, visiting Year 4 in the Junior school – we’ve had a lot of fun!
Like Monday, the children have had the chance to visit the planetarium in their school hall and explore objects from the far reaches of our solar system – meteorites.
Mrs Prinn and Mrs Brown’s classes were fantastic today and have all the skills needed to become geologists! If you’d like a little more detail about our meteorite workshop, click the link below.
I’ll be back at Oakfield on Friday working with some Year 6 children who will be performing a science show to the whole school during the afternoon – wish us luck!
The pictures below are Mrs Prinn’s class investigating impact craters and observing meteorites that are 4.57 billion years old!