Think Club 0 – Maker Week, day 5+1. Pendulum predicament edition

Maker Week may be over, but there’s plenty of making still to be done. You’ll notice from the picture above that I’ve been hacking away at the turntables again. Meanwhile, Joe now has a refined version of our LED lamps sorted out. It’s pretty neat, and bright enough, but we’ve counted up and realised we’ve the means to make a lot more lamps. Tomorrow is likely to see some production-line soldering.

The biggest challenge of the day, however, has been the pendulum:


Joe is right to look pensive. We wired things up, swung a kettle, heard chime roughly when we’d expect them – then, just as we started to celebrate, we noticed that the chimes were, in fact, coming entirely at random. Drat.

We scratched our heads, rewired, tried again. It was worse.

We scowled at it, tried something else. That didn’t work either.

Eventually… we ate some of the biscuits. Subsequently, we think we have a solution. It’s a bit touch-and-go, but close enough that we reckon we can afford to sleep tonight. We’ll pick up the pieces in the morning and see if our current thinking is correct.


Think Club 0 – Maker Week, day 5


We forgot the biscuits.

Whilst you’re all pondering how that could possibly happen – and today, being the end of maker week, I had some really good biscuits, let me tell you – here’s what we did:

Above, the Think Club crew beavering away. I have absolutely rubbish photos of the incredibly intricate soldering work being done to assemble our advanced lights for Light Play. So I won’t show you the photos, but I will tell you about the lights, since they’re works of art. We have Trinkets – which are like half an Arduino, if that means anything to you – powered off a single 1.5V cell via a step-up board that works, as far as we can tell, via unicorns. The Trinket drives a handful of Neopixel RGB LEDs, and a couple of controls allow you to set the colour, or the rate change of colour. It’s all terribly neat and self-contained, and particularly pretty. Pictures next week, promise.

Meanwhile, we assembled the pendulum frame and finally got around to hanging the pendulums. Pendula. Penduloptera. Whatever:

Pendulum hanging

What really surprised us was that our frame was clearly wonky. Like: properly out-of-kilter. With trepidation we offered up a spirit level to the cross-member, and found this:


Huh. Well, that’s fine, then. I guess.

The pendulum array now looks like this:

Pendulums hung

OK, so there’s one missing from the end, and the lengths aren’t sorted, and we need to tidy lots of things up, and we haven’t got the instrumentation in place, and we have yet to even begin the essential stage which is ‘flashing light optimisation’… but you get the idea. Suddenly, the undergrads revising for exams in the quiet work area just outside Think Lab went from wholly indifferent to ‘ooh, shiny!’ and started talking to us. Which was nice, and gave us a taste of how people might respond when they see this thing in place at the Faire next weekend.

So – huge thanks to the Think Club 0 crowd for their endeavours this week, they’ve done a heap of work and have been delightful company to boot. The bulk of the work for both projects is done; next week Andrew, Joe, Sarah and myself have a bunch of finishing-up to do, then… dun-dun-duuuuurrrrrr: Maker Faire UK. Woohoo!

We also seem to have a gigantic pile of biscuits to scoff. What a disaster that is.

Think Club 0 – Maker Week, day 4

Maker week was busy enough today that I mostly took photos of the empty lab at the end of the day, like the abandoned soldering table at the top of this post. However, here’s Jess in flow making turntables, and Chris in deep code:

Turntables were most definitely on the menu today, with Jess, Lauren and Sarah completing at least a dozen:

Turntable assembly line

We’ve also made significant progress on the rest of the light wall, and there’s been lots of marking up of the pendulum frame. Also, on my way home tonight:


Oh yes. We have pendulum bobs. Though I think the people in the queue behind me at the checkout were a little confused about why I was buying quite so many kettles.

Tomorrow: bringing it all together. >ulp<

Think Club 0 – Maker Week, day 3

A quiet day today, with family commitments reducing the turn-out. Nevertheless, Joe’s particularly proud of getting the colour-changing lamps to work. My still photo above really doesn’t do them justice.

Pendulum frame

We’ve assembled the two ends of the pendulum support structure. Look at the size of that thing!


We now have a working turntable design which is slow enough to look good. It’s a bit bodged but works surprisingly well, particularly since it relies on a chopstick as a key component. I’m unreasonably delighted by that.

Meanwhile, Chris was immersed in Sonic Pi, the Scalextric was briefly up-and-running, and Andrew’s done a heap of calculations around the pendulums, working out what notes we should go for and hacking my simulation code so we’ve had a bit of a listen. It’s much less irritating than it was.

Oh, and we’ve ordered another round of electronic bits, and most importantly restocked the biscuit supplies. With exciting new varieties, no less.

So tomorrow we’ve mass-production of turntables to arrange, lights to finish assembling, colour-changing light circuits to solder up, and pendulum bracing to sort. We’re hoping the Think Clubbers come back after their day off. Otherwise, a busy day will become a hectic day.

Sci-Pop. Think Physics visits North Shields

Think Physics had a great day at the Beacon Centre in North Shields for our very first pop-up shop, Sci-Pop.

Over 200 people attended our family science activities, and had a great time learning about sound by making  ‘noisy lollies’, wind by making Think Physics windmills, and electricity by making their own light up circuit cards. We were also talking about body heat and taking infrared selfies, talking about engineering on our marble-bounce activity and getting up close with biology with our giant 3D bug pictures.

See what we got up to:


Explore your Universe Family Show

70 children and their grown-ups attended our Explore your Universe Family Show – a science spectacular from atoms to astrophysics. We learnt about the eclipse, plasma, how light travels, static electricity and how to make your hair stand on end. We even took a look at some meteorites which are 4.6 billion years old!

“I maybe would have liked science if it had been like this at school” Parent

Think Physics will be delivering Explore your Universe shows around the North East, so if you would like to request a show please email

Design a Planet Competition Winners

We ran a drawing competition during the day, and asked entrants to design a planet that would be suitable for life. We had some amazing entries, which made it very difficult to narrow down our favourites. The winning entries are from Dylan, Madeline and Arenus. Each of you will receive a gyroscope.


Thanks to everyone who came along to Sci-pop. We hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks especially to the Beacon Centre for hosting us, and in helping create such a successful event.




Think Club 0 – Maker Week, day 2

A day of concentration, quiet focus, and trying to work out whether there’s any limit to Lauren’s new-found obsession with Sonic Pi. Turns out: nope, five hours straight wasn’t nearly enough time to exhaust her fascination.

Today was a bit of a skills day. Soldering (note to self: next time, buy the kits with the pre-programmed PIC controllers. Sorry, everyone), Arduino stuff, Sonic Pi… and a little wiring up of lights for the light wall. I’m delighted to report that Think Club has finally earned the ‘Let the blue smoke out of some electronics’ achievement, though since the LED in question is still sort-of working we’re not sure it counts.

Today’s game of choice: Snake Oil. Unanimous vote to play it again at the end of the day rather than Spaceteam, so we’ve clearly some work to do in choosing tomorrow’s game.

Speaking of tomorrow: pendulum raising, turntable construction, and possibly a few more boxes to cut.

Think Club 0 – Maker Week, day 1

The intrepid members of Think Club 0 – our trial of a maker club – today began preparations for Maker Faire UK in a couple of weekends’ time. We’ve several projects to show, including a couple of physics/arts installation pieces. I’ve previously posted about early efforts with the pendulum wave, and we’ll come back to that later in the week. Today, however, was all about cardboard. Well, cardboard, and dismembering miniature tripods.

It’ll all make sense as we make more progress, but today looked like this:

Great work from everyone today. We’ll show you progress through the week, as everything starts to take shape. We may even play more Spaceteam.

Science Matters: BSA interview politicians

Think Physics won’t be passing comment on individual party policies during the election.

However, the British Science Association have recently published this set of interviews with science spokespeople from some the UK’s major parties, which allows us to neatly side-step any endorsement or criticism of a particular platform.

For a little more information on the interviews, the BSA have an accompanying website.

The IET launch #LittleEngineers

The IET have just launched a lovely campaign called Engineer a Better World.  There is also a great accompanying video which encourages children to remain curious and inquisitive.  As the video plays, children are seen stopping and wondering about objects in the world around them.  Although both boys and girls are shown, one of its key messages is that girls and boys can be engineers. It also highlights that 0nly 6% of engineers in the UK are female.

The video is focused on primary school aged children, which is a good idea. This is the age when we should be starting to share ideas about careers with children, and more importantly, parents.

I would also encourage you to read the accompanying report about the IET research into perceptions and understanding of engineering.  Key points from the report are:

Fewer than half of parents of girls would encourage their children to consider a career in engineering, compared to two thirds of parents of boys. More than half of parents feel that engineering careers are more for boys, and children’s views are largely similar.

Two thirds of parents don’t feel they know enough to help their child if asked for advice on engineering – although the majority said they would like to know more after being shown additional information about careers in engineering and technology.

By involving parents earlier in the careers process they too can promote and feel more equipped to advise their children.  If a parent thinks engineering is ‘just’ about fixing engines its understandable why they are not promoting these options to their daughters.  If parents know about the many areas of engineering, the creativity and opportunities it can offer, they may be more inclined to encourage their daughters to become engineers.

Starting careers information and advice earlier allows children and parents more chance to find out about a wider variety of different careers.  At the moment, these conversations occur at about the same time as young people are making choices about GCSEs and concentrating on exams (and their social life).  Careers advice should be a much more sustained process over years of careers discussions and practical investigations, with emphasis placed on the skills and attributes needed to be successful in different careers.

This video, and the campaign by the IET, is a step in the right direction.

Experiment Zone Launch

Our partners the Centre for Life today launched their new Experiment Zone – a space for exploration and practical science. We were delighted to be there to join the celebrations, and see CBBC science specialist Fran Scott doing her thing:

Experiment Zone Launch 1

The purpose of the event, though, was to see the new zone in action. It’s a laboratory space, but not as you know it. OK, so it looks a little like a lab space in this photo:

Experiment Zone: picture #NorthNewsAndPictures/2daymedia

Experiment Zone: picture #NorthNewsAndPictures/2daymedia

…but when you see it in person you’ll realise it’s not like any lab you’ve seen. Life have some more details about it, but our advice is to head to Life and experience it yourself.

Experiment Zone opens to the public from Friday 3rd April.