Entries by Carol

Careers in the (primary) classroom?

There have been some news articles recently about universities, primary schools and careers. In the first article, Teach First recently called for universities to work with primary schools as part of University ‘widening participation’ work.  These are activities that are focused on ensuring that progression to university is open to students whatever their background.  At the […]

Summer holiday science

At this stage in the summer holiday, sometimes it can get a bit harder to find new things to do with the kids.  However, the Royal Institution might just come to your rescue! They’ve produced a series of short videos showing some simple, cheap and easy science-based activities that you can do at home, called ExpeRimental. […]

Physics Summer Schools

In my previous job, I used to be part of a team that ran teacher summer schools for the Institute of Physics.  These were aimed at teachers who were not specialist teachers of physics, but who had to teach physics.  They were held in Oxford, Cambridge and York (which was my course).  The summer schools […]

Royal Society Young People’s book prize

As Christmas comes rapidly nearer, family members might be asking what children would like for Christmas.  Books are often popular (particularly with more distant relatives).  But what to buy? For children who are curious and interested in the world around them, the books from the Royal Society Young People’s book prize could be ideal.  Science books […]

Booklet: What is So Exciting About Physics?

Question: What do the following people have in common? Roma Agrawal – Structural Engineer Isabel Jamal – Barrister Tatia Engelmore – Data Scientist Answer: They all studied a physics degree, and are all in a new booklet called What is so Exciting About Physics? Put together by a group of students at Cambridge University called Cavendish Inspiring Women, the booklet introduces a range […]

Take part in World Space Week 4th – 10th October

World Space week has been celebrated since 1999, when the UN declared the 4th – 10th October to be World Space Week.   The UK World Space week website is here. When I think about Space, I think about discovery and exploration (and Star Trek, if I’m honest).  This year, the theme for World Space Week […]

Yellow Giant Exhibition

Yellow Giant is an exhibition by Helen Schell.  Inspired by the Sun and Space, Helen uses optical illusions to express phenomena of space. In creating the artwork for this exhibition, Helen has worked with solar physicists, Dr Gert Botha, Dr Stephane Regnier from Northumbria University, and Dr Helen Mason from Cambridge University. The exhibition is open from […]

The Great North East Space Expo

On 22nd June, Think Physics and Northumbria University sponsored and exhibited at the Great North East Space Expo.  This event was organised by the Ashington Learning Partnership, and held at the Discovery Museum.  It was a really good event, with over 390 students coming along to learn about space and careers in the space sector. […]

The Magic of Light Boxes

Think Physics, and Think Club members, had a great time at Maker Faire UK this weekend.  As you may have seen from our blog, we’ve been creating and making things for Maker Faire for a few weeks. Here are some of the creations from our wall of light boxes.  There was an ever-changing parade of […]