18th November 2021 Reception Meteorologists

This afternoon Reception became meteorologists and discovered how to make rainbows! For a simple weather activity to try at home, using plastic bags and an empty plastic bottle, visit our NUSTEM at home windsock activity.

Tuesday 28th January Year 1 Naval Architects

This morning Year 1 became naval architects and discovered how to float a goat on a boat! To find out more about what they did and for some extra activities you can try at home, click here.

Tuesday 10th December More Year 6 Cryptographers

Today the next group of Year 6 students came into our Think Lab at Northumbria University to become cryptographers. This involved encrypting and decrypting messages and discovering how this keeps us safe online.

For more information about careers which use cryptography, activities you can try at home and a secret message to decode from NUSTEM, click here.

Monday 9th December Year 6 Cryptographers

Today Year 6 came into our Think Lab at Northumbria University to become cryptographers. This involved encrypting and decrypting messages and discovering how this keeps us safe online.

For more information about careers which use cryptography, activities you can try at home and a secret message to decode from NUSTEM, click here.

5th July 2019 Year 1 Botanists

This morning Year 1 became botanists and investigated Venus Fly Traps. To find out more about botany, click here.

27th June 2019 Year 3 Geologists and KS1 Family Workshop

This afternoon Year 3 became geologists, observing and investigating meteorites which are rocks from space. To find out more about geology, click here.

After school some of the KS1 families became systems engineers. They designed, built, tested and improved marble runs to see who could keep the marble rolling for the longest amount of time. For similar activities to try at home, click here.

20th March 2019 Year 6 Medical Physics and Key Stage 2 Family Workshop

Today Year 6 found out about careers in medical physics and where physics and technology is used to look inside the human body. To find out more, click here.

After school, Key Stage 2 families became systems engineers, designing, creating. testing and improving marble runs to see how long they could get the marble to roll for. To find out more about systems engineering and to discover some fun activities to try at home, click here.

26th February 2019 Year 2 Systems Engineers

Today Year 2 became systems engineers and designed, built, tested and improved marble runs to see how long they could get the marbles to roll for. For more information about systems engineers and for systems engineering activities you can try at home, click here.