
A palaeontologist is a scientist who studies the fossilized remains of all kinds of organisms (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and other single-celled living things) and the relationships between extinct plants and animals and their living relatives today. They try to understand extinction events of the past and apply this to the modern world as environments and global climates change. The work of a palaeontologist includes collecting data and samples on field trips, examining and testing samples in the lab, recording and classifying samples and collections and giving talks and managing displays and exhibitions.

Attributes: organised, observant, hard-working

Animal Behaviourist

Animal behaviourists apply the principles of animal behaviour science while studying how animals interact with each other and their environment. They research an animal’s methods of communication, instinctual responses, learning methods, psychology, and group interaction skills. They often work on veterinary referral, helping the owners of companion animals such as dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and birds resolve behavioural problems through diagnosis of the problem behaviour and application of an individual behaviour modification program.

Attributes: self-motivated, curious, patient

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A surgeon cuts the human body to remove diseased tissue or organs, to repair body systems, or to replace diseased organs with transplants. Surgeons correct physical deformities, repair bone and tissue after injuries, or perform preventive or elective surgeries on patients. Surgeons work with all types of tools, from scalpels to calipers and it is important that the surgeon fully understands all of the aspects of the tools used. Surgeons oversee the administration of medications as needed throughout the surgery and must be knowledgeable of the various types of medications used and the potential reactions when they operate on a patient.

Surgeons specialise in different types of operations, for example eye-surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons (bones) and brain surgeons.

Attribute: collaborative, resilient, hard-working

Animal Technologist

Animal technologists work in research and development laboratories where they are responsible for the care of animals such as rats and rabbits, which are used in labs for medical and pharmaceutical research. As well as ensuring the welfare, food, hygiene and health of the animals meets the required standards, an animal technologist also needs to make sure that the lab environment meets the requirements of the experiments to be conducted. An animal technologist will also take samples, make observations and make detailed records of changes in animal behaviour.

Attributes: resilient, committed, open-minded


Botanists study plants including algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. They study their physiological processes such as photosynthesis at the molecular level, the evolutionary history and relationships of plants, or their current relationships with their environments. They may focus on the agricultural applications of plants used for food, fuel, turf, and cover crops, studying their responses to stresses from pests, disease, and climate variations. They may study the conservation of native species, reducing the invasion of non-native exotic plants, and improving the clean air and erosion protection they provide. Their research is involved in enhancing crops, developing medicines, cleaning up contaminated sites, and even powering our cars.

Attributes: hard-working, resilient, creative