Meta researcher

Meta researchers study research itself. They study research methods, reporting, reproducibility, evaluation, and incentives. They ensure, promote, and defend robust science, free from biases. They ensure all results from scientific investigations are evidence based.

Attributes: curious, patient, resilient

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Computer scientist

Computer scientists use technology to solve problems and prepare for the future. They write and program software to create applications. Computer scientists work in database theory and software engineering. They use numerical analysis and programming languages in their work.

Attributes: organised, logical and resilient

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Biogeochemistry is the study of how the Earth’s systems (water, atmosphere, land and living things) interact with each other. Biogeochemists are particularly interested in the way carbon and nitrogen interact with other substances and organisms as they move through the Earth’s atmosphere.  Studying these processes helps biogeochemists understand how life formed, evolved and is threatened on our planet, and how chemical cycles regulate Earth’s climate and environment.

Attributes: passionate, resilient, collaborative

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Artificial intelligence researcher

Artificial intelligence researchers create models and simulations to teach computers how to solve complex problems. They model the problems using mathematics, and develop new methods to solve these problems. They write code to create algorithms and test and analyse these algorithms to see how well they solve the problem.

Attributes: curious, resilient and open-minded

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Ecological entromologist

Entomology is the study of insects which are the most abundant group of animals in the world and live in almost every habitat. Entomology is crucial to our understanding of human disease, agriculture, evolution, ecology and biodiversity. An ecological entromologist studies how insects interact with their surroundings and ecosystems such as insects’ role in the food chain, in nutrient recycling, transmitting disease and in pollination and seed dispersal.

Attributes: curious, observant, resilient

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Solar Scientist

A solar scientist is a type of astrophysicist who studies the Sun and it’s interactions with the Earth. They make detailed measurements of our nearest star using observations from solar satellites. Solar scientists study the impact of the sun on the Earth and on our technology. They are working on ways to capture solar energy more effectively which could slow down global warming.

Attributes: resilient, curious and observant

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Greg Bowie

Biomedical materials engineer Greg is featured in the Inventive Podcast. Join him to find out how the structures he designs help injuries heal.