Sports Scientist

Sports scientists require the ability to analyse physical and sporting performance alongside the ability to apply scientific ideas and principles. They work with sports coaches and sports therapists to improve the performance of individuals and teams, work with doctors to help people improve their health through exercise and work with hospitals and other health organisations in areas such as cardiac rehabilitation. When they are not directly working with athletes, sports scientists work on research projects to gather new information on a wide variety of sports-related topics. They use specialist equipment to measure the effects of things such as sports shoes, clothing and nutrition on an athlete’s body and offer advice on the design and manufacture of sports equipment.

Attributes: collaborative, resilient, communicator

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Systems Engineer

Systems engineers design and create systems to meet specific needs by combining and integrating people, components and processes into a whole system and ensuring each of those components work correctly. Systems are used in industrial processes to increase output, but a toilet, a refrigerator, an air conditioner, an automatic iron, a car and even the human body are all systems. Larger systems include moveable bridges, manufacturing plants or the International Space Station.

Attributes: collaborative, imaginative, resilient

Biological Anthropologist

Biological anthropologists make comparisons between humans and other animals in order to understand human uniqueness. They compare species across time to unravel the evolutionary history of humans over the last 5 million years. They investigate variation in human development and health, exploring the differences in humans today and in the past.

Attributes: resilient, hard-working, patient


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Ecologists are concerned with ecosystems as a whole, studying the numbers and distribution of people, plants and animals and how these organisms interact within their habitats. Ecologists usually specialise in a particular environment such as terrestrial, marine or freshwater. They use surveys to identify, monitor and record organisms within an ecosystem and may study the affects of the removal or return of predators over time.

Attributes: collaborative, organised, resilient

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Evolutionary Biologist

Evolutionary biologists are specifically interested in knowing more about the evolution of plants and animals. They seek to discover more about the history of life on earth, how organisms have changed and developed over time and the causes of this evolution. They cover a vast range of work from looking at DNA in the lab to studying how individual species have evolved in a particular ecosystem.

Attributes: imaginative, open-minded, resilient

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Robotic Technician

Robotic technicians work with a team of robotics professionals, assisting mechanical engineers, electronics engineers, and robotics engineers in designing, manufacturing, testing, and repairing robots. A robotics technician acts as a liaison between the development team and the customer. They perform the installation of the robot and provide training on its functions. Robotic technicians are also in charge of maintenance and repairs. They may work in for the government in defence, for the medical industry or in the manufacturing industry.

Attributes: self-motivated, patient, resilient

Civil Engineer

Civil engineers are responsible for the designing and building of structures such as bridges, transport links and road systems as well as larger structures such as stadiums. Civil engineers work in both the public and private sector, planning projects with clients, analysing surveys, creating blueprints, checking the risks and the effects on the environment and managing and checking progress at each stage of the project.

Attributes: open-minded, organised, resilient

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Structural Engineer

Structural engineers are focused on all aspects concerned with buildings and built structures, such as houses, hospitals, office blocks, bridges, oil rigs, ships and aircraft. They work to understand, predict and measure aspects such as the strength, stability and how rigid buildings are. They also work to develop new designs or modify the designs of buildings or structures which are to be constructed and are responsible for choosing the appropriate materials, such as concrete, steel, timber and masonry, to meet design specification.

Attributes: observant, committed, resilient