Earth scientist

Earth scientists study the features of the Earth now and the evolution of the Earth in the past. They use this knowledge to help and sustain our planet for the future. They study the solid surface of the Earth and the ground beneath the surface (geologic science), the waters of the Earth (hydrologic science) and the air surrounding the Earth (atmospheric science).

Attributes: logical, imaginative and organised

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Deep sea ecologist

Deep sea ecologists study the habitats, populations and interactions between marine organisms. They are interested in the living things and non-living physical and chemical factors that affect an organism in it’s deep sea environment. A deep sea ecologist may study the impact of human activity such as medical research, agriculture, fisheries, and forestry on an organism as well as the affects of geology, geography, meteorology, chemistry and physics on deep sea environments.

Attributes: curious, committed, observant

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Data scientist

Data scientists find patterns in data collected by large organisations in order to solve the problems that the organisations face. Data scientists extract, analyse and interpret data using algorithms, data mining, artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistical tools. They then present this data and find ways to solve problems in innovative and imaginative ways.

Attributes: imaginative, logical and open-minded

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Computer scientist

Computer scientists use technology to solve problems and prepare for the future. They write and program software to create applications. Computer scientists work in database theory and software engineering. They use numerical analysis and programming languages in their work.

Attributes: organised, logical and resilient

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Biotechnologists study the genetic, chemical and physical properties of cells, tissues and organisms, and discover ways to use this knowledge. They may work in the food industry and make enzymes and preservatives to use in food and drink. They may work in agriculture and genetically modify crops to improve yields. They may work in the medical industry and create new drugs and treatments. They may even work to improve the environment by converting plants into biofuels.

Attributes: observant, curious and imaginative

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Biogeochemistry is the study of how the Earth’s systems (water, atmosphere, land and living things) interact with each other. Biogeochemists are particularly interested in the way carbon and nitrogen interact with other substances and organisms as they move through the Earth’s atmosphere.  Studying these processes helps biogeochemists understand how life formed, evolved and is threatened on our planet, and how chemical cycles regulate Earth’s climate and environment.

Attributes: passionate, resilient, collaborative

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Atmospheric scientist

Atmospheric scientists study the atmosphere of our planet. They may study the weather and make predictions for future weather, but differ from meteorologists as they study the past, present and future impacts of large weather systems on the Earth along with smaller impacts on biological life. Atmospheric scientists may study and analyse air quality to assess the impact of this on the environment and public health. They collect data to produce computer models to predict the impacts of the atmosphere on the planet in the future.

Attributes: creative, observant and passionate

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Artificial intelligence researcher

Artificial intelligence researchers create models and simulations to teach computers how to solve complex problems. They model the problems using mathematics, and develop new methods to solve these problems. They write code to create algorithms and test and analyse these algorithms to see how well they solve the problem.

Attributes: curious, resilient and open-minded

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Applications scientist

Applications scientists plan and develop methods and tests to use in laboratories and hospitals. They explain how to use these investigations to other STEM professionals. They may develop ways to detect medical diseases or tests for forensic laboratories to use with samples taken from crime scenes.

Attributes: logical, patient and collaborative

Useful links:

  • The Primary Science Teaching Trust has a downloadable slideshow (PDF) about Dr Yogesh Kumar who is an applications scientist. It’s part of their resource A Scientist Just Like Me.

Ecological entomologist

Entomology is the study of insects which are the most abundant group of animals in the world and live in almost every habitat. Entomology is crucial to our understanding of human disease, agriculture, evolution, ecology and biodiversity. An ecological entromologist studies how insects interact with their surroundings and ecosystems such as insects’ role in the food chain, in nutrient recycling, transmitting disease and in pollination and seed dispersal.

Attributes: curious, observant, resilient

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