
Neuroscientists research and explore the brain, spinal cord and nervous system and develop treatments for a range of neurological issues. These include studying the brain’s role in mental illnesses such as depression or schizophrenia, the impact of trauma such as a stroke or head injury on the brain, or the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as epilepsy, motor neuron disease or Alzheimer’s disease.

Attributes: imaginative, patient and curious

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Machine learning engineer

Machine learning engineers combine software engineering and data analysis to create programmes and algorithms that enable machines to take actions without being directed. They provide computers with the ability to learn automatically and improve from experience, without being programmed.

Attributes: imaginative, curious, communicator

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Earth scientist

Earth scientists study the features of the Earth now and the evolution of the Earth in the past. They use this knowledge to help and sustain our planet for the future. They study the solid surface of the Earth and the ground beneath the surface (geologic science), the waters of the Earth (hydrologic science) and the air surrounding the Earth (atmospheric science).

Attributes: logical, imaginative and organised

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Data scientist

Data scientists find patterns in data collected by large organisations in order to solve the problems that the organisations face. Data scientists extract, analyse and interpret data using algorithms, data mining, artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistical tools. They then present this data and find ways to solve problems in innovative and imaginative ways.

Attributes: imaginative, logical and open-minded

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Biotechnologists study the genetic, chemical and physical properties of cells, tissues and organisms, and discover ways to use this knowledge. They may work in the food industry and make enzymes and preservatives to use in food and drink. They may work in agriculture and genetically modify crops to improve yields. They may work in the medical industry and create new drugs and treatments. They may even work to improve the environment by converting plants into biofuels.

Attributes: observant, curious and imaginative

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An immunologist studies the immune system which protects the human body from infection and disease such as autoimmunity, allergies and cancer. They can work in a laboratory focusing on research or on the diagnosis and management of autoimmune diseases and allergies. A new area of research for immunologists is the contributions of immune responses to the development of metabolic, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s.

Attributes: observant, imaginative, communicator

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Angus MacGregor

Meet Angus, a geotechnical engineer that provides advice and guidance to his colleagues.