
Virology is the study of viral infections, such as rubella, herpes, hepatitis and HIV. Virologists specialise in the identification and characterisation of viruses that cause infection. Virologists may screen populations at risk of specific diseases or investigate how diseases have spread through the environment. Virologists may have research interests such as sterilisation and disinfection, the design and maintenance of operating theatres and other clinical areas, cleaning and waste disposal or food preparation and hygiene.

Attributes: logical, curious and patient

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Software engineer

Software engineers create, maintain, audit and improve systems to meet particular needs. They test hardware and software systems to diagnose and resolve system faults. Software engineers also write diagnostic programs and write code for operating systems and software.

Attributes: logical, patient, communicator

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Science communicator

Science communicators communicate science to the general public. They need to make scientific research understandable to people who may not have a background or career in science. Science communicators can be a science journalists or work in a university press office promoting the scientific research carried out by academics. They may deliver science shows or organise events at science festivals, schools or science centres or design and make interactive exhibits for science centres.

Attributes: creative, curious, logical

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Earth scientist

Earth scientists study the features of the Earth now and the evolution of the Earth in the past. They use this knowledge to help and sustain our planet for the future. They study the solid surface of the Earth and the ground beneath the surface (geologic science), the waters of the Earth (hydrologic science) and the air surrounding the Earth (atmospheric science).

Attributes: logical, imaginative and organised

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Data scientist

Data scientists find patterns in data collected by large organisations in order to solve the problems that the organisations face. Data scientists extract, analyse and interpret data using algorithms, data mining, artificial intelligence, machine learning and statistical tools. They then present this data and find ways to solve problems in innovative and imaginative ways.

Attributes: imaginative, logical and open-minded

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Computer scientist

Computer scientists use technology to solve problems and prepare for the future. They write and program software to create applications. Computer scientists work in database theory and software engineering. They use numerical analysis and programming languages in their work.

Attributes: organised, logical and resilient

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Applications scientist

Applications scientists plan and develop methods and tests to use in laboratories and hospitals. They explain how to use these investigations to other STEM professionals. They may develop ways to detect medical diseases or tests for forensic laboratories to use with samples taken from crime scenes.

Attributes: logical, patient and collaborative

Useful links:

  • The Primary Science Teaching Trust has a downloadable slideshow (PDF) about Dr Yogesh Kumar who is an applications scientist. It’s part of their resource A Scientist Just Like Me.

Water quality scientist

Water quality scientists ensure water quality standards for safe drinking water are met. They test and analyse water samples and ensure these meet the water quality standards. They may specialise in working with drinking water, ground water or surface water including rivers, lakes and estuaries.  Water quality scientists may need to work closely with businesses, the public or other water industry professionals.

Attributes: communicator, logical, observant

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