
Entomology is the study of insects, their relationships with other animals, environments and human beings. Entomologists contribute to scientific knowledge by finding the best ways to pollinate crops, conserve insect species, and protect crops, trees, wildlife, and livestock from pests. They may specialise in particular fields. Structural entomologists study insects found in buildings such as cockroaches, finding ways to prevent them from entering and how to get rid of them. Forensic entomologists help solve murder cases by studying the insects found on dead bodies to determine the timeline and location of a crime. Medical entomologists research ways to prevent the spread of diseases like West Nile Virus from insects to people.

Attributes: observant, curious, open-minded

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Animal Behaviourist

Animal behaviourists apply the principles of animal behaviour science while studying how animals interact with each other and their environment. They research an animal’s methods of communication, instinctual responses, learning methods, psychology, and group interaction skills. They often work on veterinary referral, helping the owners of companion animals such as dogs, cats, horses, rabbits and birds resolve behavioural problems through diagnosis of the problem behaviour and application of an individual behaviour modification program.

Attributes: self-motivated, curious, patient

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A meteorologist studies an aspect of the atmosphere and uses scientific principles to observe, understand and be able to explain or forecast how the earth’s atmosphere affects the earth and everyone on it. In weather forecasting, meteorologist need to collect data from satellite images, radar, remote sensors and weather stations all over the world. They measure factors such as air pressure, temperature and humidity at various atmospheric levels and apply physical and mathematical relationships and sophisticated computer models to make short and long-range weather forecasts. Meteorologists may also monitor climate variability and change, research seasonal forecasting, ocean forecasting and climate prediction and apply the results of research in to give flood warnings or estimate the likely effects of global warming.

Attributes: collaborative, organised, curious


A geophysicist is someone who studies the Earth using gravity, magnetic, electrical, and seismic methods. They assist the oil and gas industries by creating a picture of what lies below the earth’s surface by collecting data on seismic waves, which move through and around the earth. Geophysicists are responsible for controlling the quality of the seismic data collected and interpreting it in order to create maps of the build-up of hydrocarbons. They examine the physical properties of rocks, as well as gathering data in order evaluate areas for environmental hazards or to build dams and construction sites.

Attributes: curious, observant, imaginative


Metallurgists deal with extracting and processing metals. They work with metals such as steel, aluminium, iron, and copper and often work with alloys (metals that are mixed with each other or other elements) to create materials with specific desirable properties. Metallurgists can work in a number of areas including civil engineering, aircraft manufacture, automotive engineering and the defence industry. They usually specialise as chemical metallurgists, extracting metals from ore, physical metallurgists, studying how metals behave or process metallurgists, designing metal parts.

Attributes: observant, patient, curious

Materials Scientist

Materials scientists study the structures and chemical properties of natural, synthetic or composite materials, including glass, metals, rubber, ceramics, alloys, semiconductors and polymers. They focus on the production and design aspect of chemical physics and determine ways to strengthen or combine materials or develop new materials with new or specific properties for use in a variety of products and applications.

Attributes: curious, self-motivated, passionate

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Geologists work to understand the history of our planet so they can understand Earth’s history and can predict how events and processes of the past might influence the future. Geologists seek to understand the processes of landslides, earthquakes, floods, and volcanic eruptions well enough to avoid building important structures where they might be damaged. They prepare maps of areas that have flooded in the past in order to prepare maps of areas that might be flooded in the future. Geologists locate rocks that contain important metals, plan the mines that produce them and the methods used to remove the metals from the rocks. They also locate and produce oil, natural gas, and groundwater. Geologists study past climates of Earth and how they have changed across time. This provides an understanding of how our current climate is changing and what the results might be. They also study the age of rocks, attempting to piece together a chronology of events for the formation of our land masses and changes over time.

Attributes: observant, curious, creative

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Ornithologists are a type of zoologist who study ornithology, the branch of science devoted to birds. They study the physical appearance, behaviour, songs, flight and migration patterns of birds and also look at the conservation of birds and their habitats. Ornithologists observe, survey, record and report on the behaviour and activities of birds.

Attributes: curious, self-motivated, patient


A herpetologist is a zoologist who studies reptiles and amphibians, looking at behaviours, geographic ranges, physiologies, development and genetics in order to understand their ecological niches, the ecosystem services they supply, and the challenges they face. Many herpetologists focus on conservation of these species while others use them to assess overall environmental conditions in a particular area. Herpetologists study animals in the wild, where they determine or assess potential threats from pollution, invasive species, disease, and other factors. Herpetologists plan and manage disease control and conservation programs and conduct environmental or wildlife impact studies.

Attributes: patient, curious, observant

Plant Geneticist

Plant geneticists conduct research to improve existing plants and crops, as well as create new varieties of plants and crops. They improve characteristics of plants and crops, such as appearance, nutritional value, size, drought resistance and increased levels of disease tolerance. This is vital to the agricultural industry in order for market requirements and consumer demands to be met and to increase and maintain yields in important crops. The work of a plant geneticist includes crossing plants to produce new breeding material for field and glasshouse trials and analysing and scientifically assessing plant breeding in laboratory and field trials.

Attributes: curious, observant, self-motivated