Systems Engineer

Systems engineers design and create systems to meet specific needs by combining and integrating people, components and processes into a whole system and ensuring each of those components work correctly. Systems are used in industrial processes to increase output, but a toilet, a refrigerator, an air conditioner, an automatic iron, a car and even the human body are all systems. Larger systems include moveable bridges, manufacturing plants or the International Space Station.

Attributes: collaborative, imaginative, resilient

Marine Engineer

Marine engineers are involved in the designing, building, testing, maintaining and repairing of boats and ships as well as underwater craft such as submarines. They are responsible for the internal systems of a ship, such as the propulsion, electrical, refrigeration and steering systems. They can be involved in work such as marine surveying, drilling underwater for oil and gas and in the building of offshore platforms.

Attributes: passionate, imaginative, open-minded

Structural Engineer

Structural engineers are focused on all aspects concerned with buildings and built structures, such as houses, hospitals, office blocks, bridges, oil rigs, ships and aircraft. They work to understand, predict and measure aspects such as the strength, stability and how rigid buildings are. They also work to develop new designs or modify the designs of buildings or structures which are to be constructed and are responsible for choosing the appropriate materials, such as concrete, steel, timber and masonry, to meet design specification.

Attributes: observant, committed, resilient


Astronomers are a type of scientist that study objects in space. There are two types of astronomers. Observational astronomers collect data from satellites and spacecraft using radio and optical telescopes, develop new instruments to gather information and develop software to analyse and interpret data. Theoretical Astronomers develop theories on the physical processes happening in space and analyse data to help develop our understanding of events in the universe.

Attributes: open-minded, self-motivated, patient

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Network Engineer

Network engineers are involved in the installing, maintaining, servicing and repair of computer data and communication systems. They can be involved in installing new software and hardware as well as creating user accounts and dealing with permissions and passwords for networks.

Attributes: committed, patient, collaborative

Nuclear Engineer

Nuclear engineers design, build, maintain and decommission nuclear power plants. Their work involves measuring and monitoring radiation levels, ensuring the plant meets legal requirements for safety and security, supervising power station technicians and planning safe methods of nuclear waste disposal. They maintain the systems which transfer the electricity from the generators to the outside world and design ways to improve the efficiency of nuclear power plants.

Attributes: committed, patient, resilient

Solid State Physicist

Solid-state physicists study rigid matter, or solids using quantum mechanics, crystallography, electromagnetism, and metallurgy. They study how the large-scale properties of solid materials result from their atomic-scale properties. Solid-state physicists study the mechanical and thermal behaviour of solids including the thermal conductivity, the amount of energy that must be absorbed by a solid to produce a given change in temperature and the melting points of crystals. It is the electrical properties of a solid that are of most interest, in particular its electrical conductivity. This knowledge is used in the production of transistors and semi-conductors.

Attributes: committed, resilient, imaginative

Particle Physicist

A particle physicist is someone who looks at subatomic elements of matter, radiation and subatomic particles to discover how they exist, interact and shape the natural world. They seek to identify the most simple objects of which matter is composed of, and to understand the integral forces that drive their interactions and combinations. Experimental particle physicists design, build and develop the technology required to discover new particles beyond the Standard Model such as sensors, detectors and superconducting magnets. They use machines such as the Large Hadron Collider to find particles such as the Higgs boson. Theoretical particle physicists develop the advanced mathematical quantum theories which underpin the observed physics.

Attributes: imaginative, patient, resilient

Fluid Dynamicist

Fluid Dynamists are interested in the flow and movement of fluids and gases and the forces that affect this. Fluid dynamists study the evolution of stars, ocean currents, weather patterns, plate tectonics and blood circulation. Fluid dynamics has a wide range of applications, including calculating forces and moments on aircraft, determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting weather patterns, understanding nebulae in interstellar space and modelling fission weapon detonation. Some important technological applications of fluid dynamics include rocket engines, wind turbines, oil pipelines and air conditioning systems.

Attributes: communicative, hard-working, open-minded

Condensed Matter Physicist

Condensed matter physicists use the laws of quantum mechanics, electromagnetism and statistical mechanics to study the macroscopic and microscopic physical properties of matter. They are particularly concerned with the behaviour of this matter during condensed phases, the most familiar of these being solids and liquids. The study of condensed matter physics involves measuring various material properties with experimental probes. Condensed matter physicists also use methods of theoretical physics to develop mathematical models that help in understanding physical behaviour.

Attributes: curious, self-motivated, passionate