Herpetology Veterinarian

Herpetology veterinarians specialise in the care of reptiles and amphibians. As with a general veterinarian, herpetology veterinarians diagnose and treat sick and injured animals, perform operations, carry out tests such as blood analysis, X-rays and scans, provide care for an animal in veterinary hospitals and carrying out regular health checks for reptiles. Herpetology veterinarians also need to supervise veterinary nurses and support staff and communicate with pet owners.

Attributes: passionate, communicative, hard-working


A herpetologist is a zoologist who studies reptiles and amphibians, looking at behaviours, geographic ranges, physiologies, development and genetics in order to understand their ecological niches, the ecosystem services they supply, and the challenges they face. Many herpetologists focus on conservation of these species while others use them to assess overall environmental conditions in a particular area. Herpetologists study animals in the wild, where they determine or assess potential threats from pollution, invasive species, disease, and other factors. Herpetologists plan and manage disease control and conservation programs and conduct environmental or wildlife impact studies.

Attributes: patient, curious, observant

Animal Technologist

Animal technologists work in research and development laboratories where they are responsible for the care of animals such as rats and rabbits, which are used in labs for medical and pharmaceutical research. As well as ensuring the welfare, food, hygiene and health of the animals meets the required standards, an animal technologist also needs to make sure that the lab environment meets the requirements of the experiments to be conducted. An animal technologist will also take samples, make observations and make detailed records of changes in animal behaviour.

Attributes: resilient, committed, open-minded

Soil Scientist

A soil scientist studies the upper few meters of the Earth’s crust in terms of its physical and chemical properties, distribution, genesis and morphology, and biological components. Soil scientists work in both the office and field. They analyse and determine the characteristics of different types of soils. Soil types are complex and the geographical areas a soil scientist may survey are varied. They use aerial photos and satellite images to research the areas and use computer and geographic information systems to analyse the geomorphology, topography, vegetation and climate to discover the patterns left on the landscape. Soil scientists often work in areas such as wetlands, conservation, crop consultant, farming or hydrology.

Attributes: hard-working, observant, patient

Plant Geneticist

Plant geneticists conduct research to improve existing plants and crops, as well as create new varieties of plants and crops. They improve characteristics of plants and crops, such as appearance, nutritional value, size, drought resistance and increased levels of disease tolerance. This is vital to the agricultural industry in order for market requirements and consumer demands to be met and to increase and maintain yields in important crops. The work of a plant geneticist includes crossing plants to produce new breeding material for field and glasshouse trials and analysing and scientifically assessing plant breeding in laboratory and field trials.

Attributes: curious, observant, self-motivated

Irrigation Engineer

Irrigation is the process of transporting water safely from one location to another, usually for agricultural purposes. An irrigation engineer designs irrigation systems and oversees their construction or implementation. They construct irrigation systems such as dams, canals, and ditches, according to type of soil, climatic characteristics, water supply and return flow. If a system fails to work, or if performance is sluggish, the irrigation engineer will diagnose and fix the system. An irrigation engineer also conducts research on problems of soil drainage and conservation, applying knowledge of civil engineering.

Attributes: resilient, self-motivated, collaborative

Environmental Scientist

Environmental scientists study the effects of human activities on the environment by conducting tests and analysing data in order to prevent and solve environmental problems. Environmental scientists gather samples and observational data in the field and conduct tests in the lab. They analyse, soil or air samples to find the type, concentration and source of the pollution caused by industry or agriculture. The environmental scientist will then identify if that contaminant source has the potential to affect or harm individuals and communities. They then identify ways to manage, minimise or eliminate any negative impacts of the pollution.

Attributes: passionate, creative, committed

Environmental Engineer

An environmental engineer is someone who uses the principles of engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry to develop solutions to environmental problems. They use their scientific knowledge to design systems that control pollution and protect public health. Environmental engineers evaluate the significance an environmental hazard and advise on treating and containing it. They design municipal water supply and industrial wastewater treatment systems and research the environmental impact of proposed construction projects. Some environmental engineers study ways to minimise the effects of acid rain, global warming, automobile emissions, and ozone depletion.

Attributes: open-minded, organised, resilient

Conservation Scientist

A conservation scientist is someone who manages the overall land quality of forests, parks, rangelands and other natural resources. They work with landowners to devise ways to use and improve the land while safeguarding the environment, for example, advising farmers on how they can improve their land for agricultural purposes and to help control erosion. Conservation scientists monitor forestry and conservation activities to assure compliance with government regulations, choose and prepare sites for new trees using controlled burning, bulldozers, or herbicides to clear land and monitoring forest-cleared lands to ensure they are suitable for future use.

Attributes: committed, communicative, passionate


Botanists study plants including algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. They study their physiological processes such as photosynthesis at the molecular level, the evolutionary history and relationships of plants, or their current relationships with their environments. They may focus on the agricultural applications of plants used for food, fuel, turf, and cover crops, studying their responses to stresses from pests, disease, and climate variations. They may study the conservation of native species, reducing the invasion of non-native exotic plants, and improving the clean air and erosion protection they provide. Their research is involved in enhancing crops, developing medicines, cleaning up contaminated sites, and even powering our cars.

Attributes: hard-working, resilient, creative