Sports Scientist

Sports scientists require the ability to analyse physical and sporting performance alongside the ability to apply scientific ideas and principles. They work with sports coaches and sports therapists to improve the performance of individuals and teams, work with doctors to help people improve their health through exercise and work with hospitals and other health organisations in areas such as cardiac rehabilitation. When they are not directly working with athletes, sports scientists work on research projects to gather new information on a wide variety of sports-related topics. They use specialist equipment to measure the effects of things such as sports shoes, clothing and nutrition on an athlete’s body and offer advice on the design and manufacture of sports equipment.

Attributes: collaborative, resilient, communicator

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A Biologist is a scientist who studies life and seeks to gain a better understanding of relationships that humans, animals and bacteria have with their environment. Biologists use research to gather data about how the bodies of different organisms work and how environmental factors impact on this. They then use this information to make advancements in medicine, agriculture or industrial processes.

Attributes: communicative, hard-working, curious

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Mechanical Engineer

Mechanical engineers are responsible for designing and building products used in many different fields including manufacturing, construction, health and transport. Mechanical engineers develop processes and products ranging from small components to large machinery or vehicle design. They can be involved in all stages of a product or process from the research and development through to installation.

Attributes: creative, communicative, hard-working

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Satellite Engineer

Satellite engineers are involved in the development of satellites which are launched for specific purposes such as communications, atmospheric studies or navigation. They design satellite command systems that remotely control satellite activities from ground stations and keep satellites functioning properly. Satellite engineers also collect data that tracks satellite behaviour and write status reports.

Attributes: hard-working, open-minded, communicative


Astronauts are trained by different space agencies such as NASA in order to command, pilot or serve as a crew member aboard spacecraft and the International Space Station. While in space, as well as exercising for around two and a half hours a day, astronauts are responsible for maintaining the air filters, oxygen production systems, water and waste disposal systems. They must also replace worn or broken parts of the spacecraft. Astronauts carry out scientific experiments and research while in space and transfer data and reports to Earth via satellite.

Attributes: collaborative, communicative, hard-working

IT Systems Analyst

Systems analysts work within the IT industry and are responsible for analysing current systems as well as designing and implementing new IT systems. They analyse, improve or replace current systems to ensure they meet client outcomes. They work with programmers and software developers to build systems, oversee testing of new systems and train staff to use new or upgraded systems.

Attributescommunicative, passionate, observant

Acoustics Engineer

Acoustics engineers are concerned with the science of sound and noise vibration. They are involved in designing and constructing buildings where sound improvement or noise reduction is a major priority. This could be the construction of sports stadiums and recording studios to improve how sound carries, but may also look at reducing noise interference for local residents. Acoustics engineers assess the noise impact of any construction to ensure there is minimum impact. Some acoustics engineers are involved in designing medical acoustic equipment such as ultra-scans.

Attributes: communicative, committed, open-minded

Fluid Dynamicist

Fluid Dynamists are interested in the flow and movement of fluids and gases and the forces that affect this. Fluid dynamists study the evolution of stars, ocean currents, weather patterns, plate tectonics and blood circulation. Fluid dynamics has a wide range of applications, including calculating forces and moments on aircraft, determining the mass flow rate of petroleum through pipelines, predicting weather patterns, understanding nebulae in interstellar space and modelling fission weapon detonation. Some important technological applications of fluid dynamics include rocket engines, wind turbines, oil pipelines and air conditioning systems.

Attributes: communicative, hard-working, open-minded