Military Weather Officer

Military Weather Officers are responsible for directing weather forecasting activities and integrating weather conditions into the planning of military missions as well as disaster relief and humanitarian operations. They integrate current and forecasted atmospheric and space weather conditions into operations and planning. Military Weather Officers also develop, direct and coordinate meteorological weather studies and research.

Attributes: hard-working, resilient, committed

Meteorological Technician

Meteorological technicians are responsible for the collection of meteorological information. This includes observations of different elements such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, visibility and clouds by using various aids such as computers, radar and automatic weather stations. After a meteorological technician has checked all the information, it is sent to weather, air navigation and marine offices. Weather offices at airports are also manned by meteorological technicians.

Attributes: hard-working, observant, passionate


A meteorologist studies an aspect of the atmosphere and uses scientific principles to observe, understand and be able to explain or forecast how the earth’s atmosphere affects the earth and everyone on it. In weather forecasting, meteorologist need to collect data from satellite images, radar, remote sensors and weather stations all over the world. They measure factors such as air pressure, temperature and humidity at various atmospheric levels and apply physical and mathematical relationships and sophisticated computer models to make short and long-range weather forecasts. Meteorologists may also monitor climate variability and change, research seasonal forecasting, ocean forecasting and climate prediction and apply the results of research in to give flood warnings or estimate the likely effects of global warming.

Attributes: collaborative, organised, curious


A geophysicist is someone who studies the Earth using gravity, magnetic, electrical, and seismic methods. They assist the oil and gas industries by creating a picture of what lies below the earth’s surface by collecting data on seismic waves, which move through and around the earth. Geophysicists are responsible for controlling the quality of the seismic data collected and interpreting it in order to create maps of the build-up of hydrocarbons. They examine the physical properties of rocks, as well as gathering data in order evaluate areas for environmental hazards or to build dams and construction sites.

Attributes: curious, observant, imaginative

Engineering Geologist

Engineering Geologists assess whether ground rock is stable enough and whether it is a safe type of rock on which to build. They also look at human developments that might affect the stability of the ground such as mine shafts or waste disposal sites in terms of gas leaks as well as ground stability. Engineering geologists also look at water sources, soil stability and other natural processes that could impact on a new development. They use and analyse site information such as radar images, aerial photographs, reports and geological maps prior to site investigations.

Attributes: collaborative, resilient, creative


Climatologists are atmospheric scientists who study the Earth’s climate. This is the long term weather pattern of a particular area. They collect and analyse data from sources such as ice cores, soil, water, air, and plant life to find patterns in weather and learn how those patterns affect the Earth and its inhabitants. Climatologists apply their research to address local climate issues or to determine how to work different in climate conditions. They work as weather forecasters, develop new measurement tools and statistical models, conduct simulations, and translate findings into more easily understood terms for the general public.

Attributes: patient, committed, self-motivated

Design Engineer

Design engineers create the initial blueprints and schematics for various structures, systems, machines, or equipment. Design engineers research using mathematical modelling to work through new developments and innovations. They turn research ideas into technical plans for prototypes using computer-aided design and computer-assisted engineering. They collect and analyse data from prototype testing, modifying designs ahead of manufacture or installation. Designer engineers are employed in many different industries including research and development companies, construction firms and product manufacturing plants.

Attributes: collaborative, open-minded, creative

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Polymer Scientist

Polymer scientists use chemical polymers to build useful and unique materials such as Kevlar, Teflon, fiberglass, polyester and nylon. Polymers are long strings of several molecules in a repeating pattern. Polymer scientists can manipulate a polymer’s properties depending on what types of molecules they use and how they’re connected. To perform these kinds of tasks, scientists use knowledge of organic chemistry, structural patterns and sometimes computer modeling programs to help plan the polymer synthesis. Some polymer scientists work on creating new polymer materials and others develop existing polymer designs.

Attributes: hard-working, self-motivated, committed

Patent Examiner

Patent examiners inspect the technical and legal aspects of an invention in a patent application. Patent examiners get to see the latest developments in technology. They look for any evidence that the invention already exists then work out how it works, what it does, and what the new and inventive aspect of the invention is by using their technical expertise. Patent examiners then use this information to search through specialised databases. They then analyse the patent application and identify any legal issues that may be wrong with the application. They will then continue to work with the applicant to bring their application to a state where it meets all the legal requirements and a patent may be granted.

Attributes: organised, passionate, resilient


Metallurgists deal with extracting and processing metals. They work with metals such as steel, aluminium, iron, and copper and often work with alloys (metals that are mixed with each other or other elements) to create materials with specific desirable properties. Metallurgists can work in a number of areas including civil engineering, aircraft manufacture, automotive engineering and the defence industry. They usually specialise as chemical metallurgists, extracting metals from ore, physical metallurgists, studying how metals behave or process metallurgists, designing metal parts.

Attributes: observant, patient, curious