
A physicist is a specialist in the science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions. Physicists can work in theoretical analysis, where they develop ideas using computer simulations and mathematical modelling techniques to make predictions and explain behaviours. They may also be involved in experimental research where they design experiments to test theories. There are many areas physicist may be involved in such as developing new medical instruments and treatments, exploring robotics and artificial intelligence or investigating new ways to generate power.

Attributes: passionate, open-minded, imaginative

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Optical Engineer

An optical engineer researches and develops new technologies related to the science of light. They study the behaviour of light and see how it can be manipulated to enhance electronic systems and equipment. Optical engineers work in all areas of optics using different techniques to design lasers, build telescopes, create fibre optics communication systems or work with microscopes, computer chips or consumer electronics. This requires them to understand and apply the science of optics in substantial detail in order to know what is physically possible to achieve.

Attributes: observant, hard-working, committed

Laser Engineer

A laser engineer is a scientist or engineer who has extensive training in designing, building, operating, and maintaining high-energy manufacturing or research laser equipment. Laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser light has a specific wavelength and is concentrated in a narrow beam of very high-intensity light which can focus very accurately. Laser engineers can develop medical lasers which treat or remove tissues or scientific lasers which are used in areas such as laser scanners, nuclear fusion or microscopy. They may be involved with military uses of lasers which include guidance, target designation and directly as energy weapons, or with industrial and commercial uses such as entertainment, surveying or bird deterrents.

Attributes: curious, imaginative, resilient

Electrical Engineer

Electrical engineers focus on power generation and transmission processes to create and implement electrical systems. Electrical engineers develop devices that transmit signals such as GPS and radar and biomedical devices that allow physicians to accurately assess a patient’s condition without an invasive procedure or fingerprint identification systems. They are at the forefront in developing new ways to use solar, wind, water, and other natural sources for power generation. Electrical engineers are investigating the feasibility of using superconductors to run all ship systems and create systems to ensure that satellites remain functional while orbiting the Earth.

Attributes: organised, creative, collaborative

Petroleum Geologist

Petroleum geologists deal with natural reserves of combustible fuel on both land and sea and are responsible for gauging how much of this can be extracted. They discover the location and amount of useful fuel in sediments or reservoirs using technology such as geochemical analysis, ground-based sonar and satellite mapping. Petroleum geologists interpret geophysical information, conduct field studies, interpret and implement drilling strategies for extraction and create post-project reports. Petroleum geologists may work with oil companies in the supervising of the oil extraction process.

Attributes: collaborative, committed, curious

Mining Geologist

A mining geologist is a professional who applies the science of geology to mining. They ensure that minerals, rocks, and gems are extracted from mines, pits, and quarries, allowing maximum profit and minimal problems. They must first locate the minerals using tools such as aerial photographs, field maps, and geophysical surveys. The mining geologist then maps and makes computer models of the area and records geological data to produce accurate details of the location, structure, and distribution of minerals in a deposit. The mining geologist determines the life span and how profitable the mining venture is likely to be by assessing the grade and structure of mineral bodies.

Attributes: patient, hard-working, resilient


A mineralogist is a person who studies minerals, their crystalline and chemical structures, and their properties such as melting points. Most mineralogists study minerals of economic value, such as metals like copper, aluminium, iron ore, gypsum and clays. They determine their physical and chemical properties, how to efficiently retrieve them from ores, and how to process them. They may performing chemical, heat, and other tests on samples to identify them or determine their properties. Mineralogists working for mining companies often work on enhancing the processing of minerals from ores and monitor sample collection, preparation, and analysis.

Attributes: observant, communicator, organised

Wildlife Technician

Wildlife technicians assist with the management of wildlife species and the preservation of habitats. They assist wildlife biologists collecting biological specimens, surveying animal populations, compiling data for evaluation, maintaining and calibrating scientific equipment, and writing detailed reports. They may also be involved with trapping and tagging animals to monitor their movements within a designated area and evaluate their health, looking for signs of illness. Wildlife technicians provide care for animals that have been captured for observation in a laboratory setting. Additional duties may involve preserving animal habitats and maintaining roads and trails to keep the wildlife areas accessible.

Attributes: collaborative, passionate, self-motivated

Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife biologists look at animals and where they live in the wild. They look at how they interact with other animals and the plants where they live. They also look at how animals from the wild react to humans. They want to learn more and more about all types of animals. They also want to know how people affect where the animals live.

Attributes: open-minded, communicative, curious

Wetland Biologist

Wetland biologists manage and protect wetland resources, studying the relationship between the wetlands environment and the life that lives there. They implement wetland conservation techniques, enforce regulations and provide consultation on construction projects in wetland areas. They create detailed designs for wetland identification, creation, and restoration, perform habitat assessment and conduct research on wetland processes. They may work in zoos or parks, parts of conservation programs or in public education.

Attributes: observant, patient, resilient