An astrophysicist is a scientist who researches the principles of light, motion, and natural forces in order to gain an understanding underlying properties of the cosmos. They use theoretical and observational physics and chemistry to study the Sun, stars, galaxies and planets. Most astrophysicists specialise in a particular theory or phenomenon such as the origins and evolution of the solar system, black holes, the origin of cosmic rays or the development and extinction of stars.
Attributes: observant, curious, imaginative
Useful links:
- The Primary Science Teaching Trust has a downloadable slideshow (PDF) about Emily Rickman and a downloadable slideshow (PDF) about Vanessa Emeka-Okafor who are both astrophysicists. There is also a downloadable slideshow (PDF) about Sheila Kanani who is a planetary physicist. It’s part of their resource A Scientist Just Like Me.