
Veterinary physiotherapists work alongside veterinary surgeons to help reduce pain, improve mobility and prevent recurrence or injury in animals. The most common animals referred for physiotherapy are horses and dogs including working animals such as race horses and greyhounds. Other animals such as cats and some farm or zoo animals may require physiotherapy. Veterinary physiotherapists will plan exercise programmes, use manual and electro-therapy methods to reduce pain and help with movement, apply massage and hydrotherapy techniques and give advice on changes to animals’ environments.

Attributes: creative, committed, passionate

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Environmental Scientist

Environmental scientists study the effects of human activities on the environment by conducting tests and analysing data in order to prevent and solve environmental problems. Environmental scientists gather samples and observational data in the field and conduct tests in the lab. They analyse, soil or air samples to find the type, concentration and source of the pollution caused by industry or agriculture. The environmental scientist will then identify if that contaminant source has the potential to affect or harm individuals and communities. They then identify ways to manage, minimise or eliminate any negative impacts of the pollution.

Attributes: passionate, creative, committed


Botanists study plants including algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. They study their physiological processes such as photosynthesis at the molecular level, the evolutionary history and relationships of plants, or their current relationships with their environments. They may focus on the agricultural applications of plants used for food, fuel, turf, and cover crops, studying their responses to stresses from pests, disease, and climate variations. They may study the conservation of native species, reducing the invasion of non-native exotic plants, and improving the clean air and erosion protection they provide. Their research is involved in enhancing crops, developing medicines, cleaning up contaminated sites, and even powering our cars.

Attributes: hard-working, resilient, creative

Bioprocessing Engineer

A bioprocessing engineer analyses and develops the systems used to manufacture biological products. They usually work in agricultural research and development companies, food processing plants, biotechnology firms, alternative fuel manufacturers, and pharmaceutical companies. A bioprocessing engineer works to improve efficiency, worker safety, and product quality. A lab engineer experiments with different biochemicals, such as those used in pharmaceuticals, observing their effects on bacteria or viruses under a microscope. A bioprocessing engineer in a manufacturing plant analyses the existing machinery and techniques used to make products to determine if they can be modified to increase production.

Attributes: imaginative, curious, creative