11th May – Peake Radiation

Hey St Mary’s! If everything has gone to plan, as you read this, I will be right in front of you IRL, as you kids say.

Here’s the link to the radioactive dating game.

Here’s the data from the ISS: –

And here’s an interactive video of the Falcon 9 vertically landing on a drone ship. Because it’s awesome.

9th December: Atoms to Astrophysics

This afternoon I visited St Mary’s to take part in their after school science club. We explored the whole scope of Physics, from atoms to astrophysics. For more information check out our workshop page here, and make sure you have a go with this scale of the universe tool. I could spend all day playing around with it.

A slightly older version can be seen below. Don’t be frightened by the outdated fashions and wonderful 1970s music (by Elmer Bernstein, no less!); this video is a beautiful journey through our universe. Just don’t forget, our understanding has moved on since Charles and Ray Eames made this video in 1977.