Wednesday 11th December Year 5 Cryptographers

Today Year 5 came into our Think Lab at Northumbria University to become cryptographers. This involved encrypting and decrypting messages and discovering how this keeps us safe online.

For more information about careers which use cryptography, activities you can try at home and a secret message to decode from NUSTEM, click here.

Wednesday 11th December Year 5 Cryptographers

Today Year 5 came into our Think Lab at Northumbria University to become cryptographers. This involved encrypting and decrypting messages and discovering how this keeps us safe online.

For more information about careers which use cryptography, activities you can try at home and a secret message to decode from NUSTEM, click here.

Tuesday 10th December Year 5 Cryptographers

Today Year 5 came into our Think Lab at Northumbria University to become cryptographers. This involved encrypting and decrypting messages and discovering how this keeps us safe online.

For more information about careers which use cryptography, activities you can try at home and a secret message to decode from NUSTEM, click here.

Tuesday 10th December More Year 6 Cryptographers

Today the next group of Year 6 students came into our Think Lab at Northumbria University to become cryptographers. This involved encrypting and decrypting messages and discovering how this keeps us safe online.

For more information about careers which use cryptography, activities you can try at home and a secret message to decode from NUSTEM, click here.

Monday 9th December Year 6 Cryptographers

Today Year 6 came into our Think Lab at Northumbria University to become cryptographers. This involved encrypting and decrypting messages and discovering how this keeps us safe online.

For more information about careers which use cryptography, activities you can try at home and a secret message to decode from NUSTEM, click here.

Monday 9th December Year 6 Cryptographers

Today Year 6 came into our Think Lab at Northumbria University to become cryptographers. This involved encrypting and decrypting messages and discovering how this keeps us safe online.

For more information about careers which use cryptography, activities you can try at home and a secret message to decode from NUSTEM, click here.

Wednesday 4th December Year 5 Environmental Modellers

Credit NASA Image

Today Year 5 found out how environmental modellers collect and use data to predict the future. To find out more about environmental modellers, how to help the environment and for modelling activities you can try at home, click here.

Tuesday 3rd December Reception Family Space Explorers

This morning Reception children and their families took a trip to Mars with Little E the robot rover from the book “Are we nearly there yet?”. When they got there they designed the Mars landscape and built Mars rover vehicles to explore this new world. For more information about the robots in “Are we nearly there yet?”, more books about space and for activities for you to try at home, click here.

Friday 29th November Year 5 and 6 Cryptographers

Today Year 5 and 6 became cryptographers, encrypting and decrypting messages and discovering how this keeps us safe online.

To find the secret message from NUSTEM to win a prize and for more information about cryptography, click here.