Monday 9th March KS2 Wind Turbine Engineers

This afternoon, Key Stage 2 families worked together to design, build and test wind turbine blades to see which was most effective. For more activities to try at home, click here.

Monday 2nd March 2020 Year 5 Astronomers and Key Stage 1 family System Engineers

This afternoon, Year 5 became astronomers and found out about the development of the telescope throughout history as well as about the role of women in astronomy. They discovered what stars are made from and how astronomers know this by analysing the light they produce. To find out more about astronomy and to try some activities at home, click here.

After that, key stage 1 families became systems engineers, planning, creating, testing and improving marble runs.

21st May 2019 Year 2 Systems Engineers and Year 5 Environmental Planners.

Today Year 2  became systems engineers, designing, creating. testing and improving marble runs to see how long they could get the marble to roll for. To find out more about systems engineering and to discover some fun activities to try at home, click here.

Year 5 became environmental planners and used maps to discover how finding out about the past can help us to predict the future. To find out more about environmental planners, click here. Year 6 also looked at maps to see how Birtley has changed over the last century. To have a look at a similar historical map, follow this link: Birtley East 1857

27th February 2019 Key Stage 1 Family Workshop

Today it was the turn of the Key Stage one families to become systems engineers and use their different components together to create a marble run system. To find out more about systems engineering and to discover more activities that you can try at home, click here. 

5th February 2019 Key Stage 2 Family Workshop

This afternoon Key Stage 2 families became systems engineers and deigned, built, tested and improved marble runs to see if they could make the marbles roll for longer and longer times. To find out more about systems engineers and to discover ideas you can try at home, click here.Marble Run Close Up