Monday 18th November Year 5 Astronomers

This afternoon Year 5 became astronomers and found out about the development of the telescope throughout history and women in astronomy.  They also discovered what stars are made from and how astronomers know this by analysing the light from the stars. To find out more about astronomy and to try some activities at home, click here.

8th November 2019 Year 2 Botanists and Year 4 Materials Scientists

Today Year 2 became botanists and investigated Venus Fly Traps using magnifying glasses and digital microscopes. To find out more about botany, click here.

After that, Year 4 became materials scientists, testing the properties of different materials and deciding what they could be used for. Click here to find out what materials scientists do and for some fun activities you can do at home.

Wednesday 2nd October Reception Bubbles

What shape are the bubbles?

Today Reception children had fun with bubbles and predicted what would happen if they blew bubbles with different shaped wands. Click here for more bubble information and activities.