Electronics Engineering Technician

Electronics engineering technicians design, build and maintain electrical components. They are very hands-on and enjoy trying out different circuit set ups, and are very good at spotting problems and fixing them so that the components work correctly. Electronics engineering technicians enjoy doing practical work, being organised and helping electronic engineers test their designs.

Attributes: logical, creative, observant


Geneticists study genes and the science of inherited traits passed down through generations. They study living organisms, from human beings and animals to crops and bacteria. Research is a major part of a geneticist’s job. They conduct experiments to determine the origins of particular inherited traits, such as medical conditions and seek and use this information to adjust genetic material to modify existing traits and create new ones.

Attributes: observant, creative, curious

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Automotive Engineer

Automotive engineers are involved with the building, designing and testing of cars and motorbikes, as well as other vehicles in the automotive sector such as trucks. They may work on designing and building any part from the body to the chassis underneath the vehicle to the engine systems and the electrical components which go within the vehicle.

Attributes: hard-working, collaborative, observant

Structural Engineer

Structural engineers are focused on all aspects concerned with buildings and built structures, such as houses, hospitals, office blocks, bridges, oil rigs, ships and aircraft. They work to understand, predict and measure aspects such as the strength, stability and how rigid buildings are. They also work to develop new designs or modify the designs of buildings or structures which are to be constructed and are responsible for choosing the appropriate materials, such as concrete, steel, timber and masonry, to meet design specification.

Attributes: observant, committed, resilient


An astrophysicist is a scientist who researches the principles of light, motion, and natural forces in order to gain an understanding underlying properties of the cosmos. They use theoretical and observational physics and chemistry to study the Sun, stars, galaxies and planets. Most astrophysicists specialise in a particular theory or phenomenon such as the origins and evolution of the solar system, black holes, the origin of cosmic rays or the development and extinction of stars.

Attributes: observant, curious, imaginative

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Power Plant Operator

Power plant operators manage and maintain the machinery that generates electricity. This may be produced from hydroelectric energy, solar or wind power, nuclear energy, coal or gas. Power plant operators regulate and distribute the power amongst the generators. They monitor the voltage and electricity flow from the plant to meet fluctuating customer demands throughout the day.

Attributes: observant, self-motivated, collaborative