
A herpetologist is a zoologist who studies reptiles and amphibians, looking at behaviours, geographic ranges, physiologies, development and genetics in order to understand their ecological niches, the ecosystem services they supply, and the challenges they face. Many herpetologists focus on conservation of these species while others use them to assess overall environmental conditions in a particular area. Herpetologists study animals in the wild, where they determine or assess potential threats from pollution, invasive species, disease, and other factors. Herpetologists plan and manage disease control and conservation programs and conduct environmental or wildlife impact studies.

Attributes: patient, curious, observant

Soil Scientist

A soil scientist studies the upper few meters of the Earth’s crust in terms of its physical and chemical properties, distribution, genesis and morphology, and biological components. Soil scientists work in both the office and field. They analyse and determine the characteristics of different types of soils. Soil types are complex and the geographical areas a soil scientist may survey are varied. They use aerial photos and satellite images to research the areas and use computer and geographic information systems to analyse the geomorphology, topography, vegetation and climate to discover the patterns left on the landscape. Soil scientists often work in areas such as wetlands, conservation, crop consultant, farming or hydrology.

Attributes: hard-working, observant, patient


An arborist studies the bio-mechanics of trees, their growth, cultivation, reactions to pruning, diseases and decay. They manage and study of individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants and care for the health of the entire tree. Arborists maintain and care for trees as if left untouched they could cause damage, such as growing onto power lines or people’s homes or causing damage in severe weather which leads to power outages and harmful collapses. An arborist provides other services such as insect control, fertilisation, cabling, aeration, lightning protection and can identify any diseases or parasites.

Attributes: organised, observant, patient