Electrical Engineer

Electrical engineers focus on power generation and transmission processes to create and implement electrical systems. Electrical engineers develop devices that transmit signals such as GPS and radar and biomedical devices that allow physicians to accurately assess a patient’s condition without an invasive procedure or fingerprint identification systems. They are at the forefront in developing new ways to use solar, wind, water, and other natural sources for power generation. Electrical engineers are investigating the feasibility of using superconductors to run all ship systems and create systems to ensure that satellites remain functional while orbiting the Earth.

Attributes: organised, creative, collaborative

Petroleum Geologist

Petroleum geologists deal with natural reserves of combustible fuel on both land and sea and are responsible for gauging how much of this can be extracted. They discover the location and amount of useful fuel in sediments or reservoirs using technology such as geochemical analysis, ground-based sonar and satellite mapping. Petroleum geologists interpret geophysical information, conduct field studies, interpret and implement drilling strategies for extraction and create post-project reports. Petroleum geologists may work with oil companies in the supervising of the oil extraction process.

Attributes: collaborative, committed, curious

Mining Geologist

A mining geologist is a professional who applies the science of geology to mining. They ensure that minerals, rocks, and gems are extracted from mines, pits, and quarries, allowing maximum profit and minimal problems. They must first locate the minerals using tools such as aerial photographs, field maps, and geophysical surveys. The mining geologist then maps and makes computer models of the area and records geological data to produce accurate details of the location, structure, and distribution of minerals in a deposit. The mining geologist determines the life span and how profitable the mining venture is likely to be by assessing the grade and structure of mineral bodies.

Attributes: patient, hard-working, resilient

Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife biologists look at animals and where they live in the wild. They look at how they interact with other animals and the plants where they live. They also look at how animals from the wild react to humans. They want to learn more and more about all types of animals. They also want to know how people affect where the animals live.

Attributes: open-minded, communicative, curious

Wetland Biologist

Wetland biologists manage and protect wetland resources, studying the relationship between the wetlands environment and the life that lives there. They implement wetland conservation techniques, enforce regulations and provide consultation on construction projects in wetland areas. They create detailed designs for wetland identification, creation, and restoration, perform habitat assessment and conduct research on wetland processes. They may work in zoos or parks, parts of conservation programs or in public education.

Attributes: observant, patient, resilient


A taxidermist stuffs and mounts deceased animals to be displayed. They use a scalpel and precision scissors to remove an animal’s hide, feathers, or scales. Taxidermist them use salt and chemicals such as ammonium alum, potassium alum and aluminium sulphate to preserve and soften the hide, which is left to dry in a kiln or open air. They then use clay or foam to create a cast from the mould, and attach the hide to the artificial figure. The taxidermist then inserts artificial eyes, teeth, and claws and secures the animal to a plaque or mount.

Attributes: resilient, creative, observant


A palaeontologist is a scientist who studies the fossilized remains of all kinds of organisms (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and other single-celled living things) and the relationships between extinct plants and animals and their living relatives today. They try to understand extinction events of the past and apply this to the modern world as environments and global climates change. The work of a palaeontologist includes collecting data and samples on field trips, examining and testing samples in the lab, recording and classifying samples and collections and giving talks and managing displays and exhibitions.

Attributes: organised, observant, hard-working

Habitat Restoration Engineer

Habitat Restoration Engineers are landscape planners working from an ecological perspective. They make ecological alternations to a landscape to return it to a former state, usually for ecological repair or conservation reasons. Habitat Restoration Engineers examine and identify the ways that human actions or natural events put pressure on ecology and the wider ecosystem. They identify the potential hazards and damages that they cause. They work with a variety of environmental scientists such as ecological planners, geologists, botanists, herpetologists and ornithologists on the engineering of new landscapes and recreation of ancient landscapes.

Attributes: committed, hard-working, collaborative


Entomology is the study of insects, their relationships with other animals, environments and human beings. Entomologists contribute to scientific knowledge by finding the best ways to pollinate crops, conserve insect species, and protect crops, trees, wildlife, and livestock from pests. They may specialise in particular fields. Structural entomologists study insects found in buildings such as cockroaches, finding ways to prevent them from entering and how to get rid of them. Forensic entomologists help solve murder cases by studying the insects found on dead bodies to determine the timeline and location of a crime. Medical entomologists research ways to prevent the spread of diseases like West Nile Virus from insects to people.

Attributes: observant, curious, open-minded

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Biostatisticians analyse data and statistics on living things collected during medical research studies to draw conclusions or make predictions. They work on methods in applied and theoretical statistics in order to advance the science of data analysis beyond current levels. They design biological experiments in agriculture and medicine. They collect, dissect, and summarize the data, and release information based on the findings of that data. During the execution of clinical trials, Biostatisticians monitor how the study is conducted to ensure that the integrity of the results won’t be compromised.

Attributes: collaborative, logical, organised