Epigeneticsics research assistant

Epigenetics is the study of how experiences and environment can affect how genes are expressed and whether they release the information they carry. The main role of an epigenetics research assistant is to provide technical assistance in carrying out various research projects in epigenetics. This can include designing experiments, collecting data, preparing samples and maintaining equipment.

Attributes: collaborative, organised, hard-working

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Biological Anthropologist

Biological anthropologists make comparisons between humans and other animals in order to understand human uniqueness. They compare species across time to unravel the evolutionary history of humans over the last 5 million years. They investigate variation in human development and health, exploring the differences in humans today and in the past.

Attributes: resilient, hard-working, patient


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Palaeoanthropologists study the origins and development of early humans using fossil remains. They use biological evidence such as fossilised skeletal remains, bone fragments and footprints alongside cultural artefacts such as stone tools which were made by early humans to discover how the human species developed and evolved.

Attributes: patient, passionate, committed

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Geneticists study genes and the science of inherited traits passed down through generations. They study living organisms, from human beings and animals to crops and bacteria. Research is a major part of a geneticist’s job. They conduct experiments to determine the origins of particular inherited traits, such as medical conditions and seek and use this information to adjust genetic material to modify existing traits and create new ones.

Attributes: observant, creative, curious

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Ecologists are concerned with ecosystems as a whole, studying the numbers and distribution of people, plants and animals and how these organisms interact within their habitats. Ecologists usually specialise in a particular environment such as terrestrial, marine or freshwater. They use surveys to identify, monitor and record organisms within an ecosystem and may study the affects of the removal or return of predators over time.

Attributes: collaborative, organised, resilient

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Evolutionary Biologist

Evolutionary biologists are specifically interested in knowing more about the evolution of plants and animals. They seek to discover more about the history of life on earth, how organisms have changed and developed over time and the causes of this evolution. They cover a vast range of work from looking at DNA in the lab to studying how individual species have evolved in a particular ecosystem.

Attributes: imaginative, open-minded, resilient

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A Biologist is a scientist who studies life and seeks to gain a better understanding of relationships that humans, animals and bacteria have with their environment. Biologists use research to gather data about how the bodies of different organisms work and how environmental factors impact on this. They then use this information to make advancements in medicine, agriculture or industrial processes.

Attributes: communicative, hard-working, curious

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