Satellite Engineer

Satellite engineers are involved in the development of satellites which are launched for specific purposes such as communications, atmospheric studies or navigation. They design satellite command systems that remotely control satellite activities from ground stations and keep satellites functioning properly. Satellite engineers also collect data that tracks satellite behaviour and write status reports.

Attributes: hard-working, open-minded, communicative

Aerospace Engineer

Aerospace engineers design, build and maintain aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. They may be involved in creating and testing prototypes, researching ways to make fuel efficient parts, developing weapons or navigations systems and supervising the fitting of aircraft or spacecraft and their components.

Attributes: creative, passionate, logical


Astronauts are trained by different space agencies such as NASA in order to command, pilot or serve as a crew member aboard spacecraft and the International Space Station. While in space, as well as exercising for around two and a half hours a day, astronauts are responsible for maintaining the air filters, oxygen production systems, water and waste disposal systems. They must also replace worn or broken parts of the spacecraft. Astronauts carry out scientific experiments and research while in space and transfer data and reports to Earth via satellite.

Attributes: collaborative, communicative, hard-working


An astrophysicist is a scientist who researches the principles of light, motion, and natural forces in order to gain an understanding underlying properties of the cosmos. They use theoretical and observational physics and chemistry to study the Sun, stars, galaxies and planets. Most astrophysicists specialise in a particular theory or phenomenon such as the origins and evolution of the solar system, black holes, the origin of cosmic rays or the development and extinction of stars.

Attributes: observant, curious, imaginative

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Chemists study chemicals and matter on atomic and molecular level. They investigate and measure reaction rates and other properties of substances in order to understand more about those substances. They experiment with simple forms of matter to understand how elements join together to form different substances. Chemists typically specialise in one of the sub disciplines of chemistry such as biochemistry, neurochemistry, nuclear chemistry or forensic chemistry- see the variety of examples below.

Attributes: creative, observant, organised

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