
Biogeochemistry is the study of how the Earth’s systems (water, atmosphere, land and living things) interact with each other. Biogeochemists are particularly interested in the way carbon and nitrogen interact with other substances and organisms as they move through the Earth’s atmosphere.  Studying these processes helps biogeochemists understand how life formed, evolved and is threatened on our planet, and how chemical cycles regulate Earth’s climate and environment.

Attributes: passionate, resilient, collaborative

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Atmospheric scientist

Atmospheric scientists study the atmosphere of our planet. They may study the weather and make predictions for future weather, but differ from meteorologists as they study the past, present and future impacts of large weather systems on the Earth along with smaller impacts on biological life. Atmospheric scientists may study and analyse air quality to assess the impact of this on the environment and public health. They collect data to produce computer models to predict the impacts of the atmosphere on the planet in the future.

Attributes: creative, observant and passionate

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Ecological entromologist

Entomology is the study of insects which are the most abundant group of animals in the world and live in almost every habitat. Entomology is crucial to our understanding of human disease, agriculture, evolution, ecology and biodiversity. An ecological entromologist studies how insects interact with their surroundings and ecosystems such as insects’ role in the food chain, in nutrient recycling, transmitting disease and in pollination and seed dispersal.

Attributes: curious, observant, resilient

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An immunologist studies the immune system which protects the human body from infection and disease such as autoimmunity, allergies and cancer. They can work in a laboratory focusing on research or on the diagnosis and management of autoimmune diseases and allergies. A new area of research for immunologists is the contributions of immune responses to the development of metabolic, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s.

Attributes: observant, imaginative, communicator

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Water quality scientist

Water quality scientists ensure water quality standards for safe drinking water are met. They test and analyse water samples and ensure these meet the water quality standards. They may specialise in working with drinking water, ground water or surface water including rivers, lakes and estuaries.  Water quality scientists may need to work closely with businesses, the public or other water industry professionals.

Attributes: communicator, logical, observant

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Chemists study chemicals and matter on atomic and molecular level. They investigate and measure reaction rates and other properties of substances in order to understand more about those substances. They experiment with simple forms of matter to understand how elements join together to form different substances. Chemists typically specialise in one of the sub disciplines of chemistry such as biochemistry, neurochemistry, nuclear chemistry or forensic chemistry- see the variety of examples below.

Attributes: creative, observant, organised

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Wildlife Technician

Wildlife technicians assist with the management of wildlife species and the preservation of habitats. They assist wildlife biologists collecting biological specimens, surveying animal populations, compiling data for evaluation, maintaining and calibrating scientific equipment, and writing detailed reports. They may also be involved with trapping and tagging animals to monitor their movements within a designated area and evaluate their health, looking for signs of illness. Wildlife technicians provide care for animals that have been captured for observation in a laboratory setting. Additional duties may involve preserving animal habitats and maintaining roads and trails to keep the wildlife areas accessible.

Attributes: collaborative, passionate, self-motivated

Wildlife Biologist

Wildlife biologists look at animals and where they live in the wild. They look at how they interact with other animals and the plants where they live. They also look at how animals from the wild react to humans. They want to learn more and more about all types of animals. They also want to know how people affect where the animals live.

Attributes: open-minded, communicative, curious

Wetland Biologist

Wetland biologists manage and protect wetland resources, studying the relationship between the wetlands environment and the life that lives there. They implement wetland conservation techniques, enforce regulations and provide consultation on construction projects in wetland areas. They create detailed designs for wetland identification, creation, and restoration, perform habitat assessment and conduct research on wetland processes. They may work in zoos or parks, parts of conservation programs or in public education.

Attributes: observant, patient, resilient


A taxidermist stuffs and mounts deceased animals to be displayed. They use a scalpel and precision scissors to remove an animal’s hide, feathers, or scales. Taxidermist them use salt and chemicals such as ammonium alum, potassium alum and aluminium sulphate to preserve and soften the hide, which is left to dry in a kiln or open air. They then use clay or foam to create a cast from the mould, and attach the hide to the artificial figure. The taxidermist then inserts artificial eyes, teeth, and claws and secures the animal to a plaque or mount.

Attributes: resilient, creative, observant