Meteorological Technician

Meteorological technicians are responsible for the collection of meteorological information. This includes observations of different elements such as temperature, atmospheric pressure, visibility and clouds by using various aids such as computers, radar and automatic weather stations. After a meteorological technician has checked all the information, it is sent to weather, air navigation and marine offices. Weather offices at airports are also manned by meteorological technicians.

Attributes: hard-working, observant, passionate

Polymer Scientist

Polymer scientists use chemical polymers to build useful and unique materials such as Kevlar, Teflon, fiberglass, polyester and nylon. Polymers are long strings of several molecules in a repeating pattern. Polymer scientists can manipulate a polymer’s properties depending on what types of molecules they use and how they’re connected. To perform these kinds of tasks, scientists use knowledge of organic chemistry, structural patterns and sometimes computer modeling programs to help plan the polymer synthesis. Some polymer scientists work on creating new polymer materials and others develop existing polymer designs.

Attributes: hard-working, self-motivated, committed


A surgeon cuts the human body to remove diseased tissue or organs, to repair body systems, or to replace diseased organs with transplants. Surgeons correct physical deformities, repair bone and tissue after injuries, or perform preventive or elective surgeries on patients. Surgeons work with all types of tools, from scalpels to calipers and it is important that the surgeon fully understands all of the aspects of the tools used. Surgeons oversee the administration of medications as needed throughout the surgery and must be knowledgeable of the various types of medications used and the potential reactions when they operate on a patient.

Surgeons specialise in different types of operations, for example eye-surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons (bones) and brain surgeons.

Attribute: collaborative, resilient, hard-working

Herpetology Veterinarian

Herpetology veterinarians specialise in the care of reptiles and amphibians. As with a general veterinarian, herpetology veterinarians diagnose and treat sick and injured animals, perform operations, carry out tests such as blood analysis, X-rays and scans, provide care for an animal in veterinary hospitals and carrying out regular health checks for reptiles. Herpetology veterinarians also need to supervise veterinary nurses and support staff and communicate with pet owners.

Attributes: passionate, communicative, hard-working

Soil Scientist

A soil scientist studies the upper few meters of the Earth’s crust in terms of its physical and chemical properties, distribution, genesis and morphology, and biological components. Soil scientists work in both the office and field. They analyse and determine the characteristics of different types of soils. Soil types are complex and the geographical areas a soil scientist may survey are varied. They use aerial photos and satellite images to research the areas and use computer and geographic information systems to analyse the geomorphology, topography, vegetation and climate to discover the patterns left on the landscape. Soil scientists often work in areas such as wetlands, conservation, crop consultant, farming or hydrology.

Attributes: hard-working, observant, patient


Botanists study plants including algae, fungi, lichens, mosses, ferns, conifers and flowering plants. They study their physiological processes such as photosynthesis at the molecular level, the evolutionary history and relationships of plants, or their current relationships with their environments. They may focus on the agricultural applications of plants used for food, fuel, turf, and cover crops, studying their responses to stresses from pests, disease, and climate variations. They may study the conservation of native species, reducing the invasion of non-native exotic plants, and improving the clean air and erosion protection they provide. Their research is involved in enhancing crops, developing medicines, cleaning up contaminated sites, and even powering our cars.

Attributes: hard-working, resilient, creative