Laser Engineer

A laser engineer is a scientist or engineer who has extensive training in designing, building, operating, and maintaining high-energy manufacturing or research laser equipment. Laser stands for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation. Laser light has a specific wavelength and is concentrated in a narrow beam of very high-intensity light which can focus very accurately. Laser engineers can develop medical lasers which treat or remove tissues or scientific lasers which are used in areas such as laser scanners, nuclear fusion or microscopy. They may be involved with military uses of lasers which include guidance, target designation and directly as energy weapons, or with industrial and commercial uses such as entertainment, surveying or bird deterrents.

Attributes: curious, imaginative, resilient

Mining Geologist

A mining geologist is a professional who applies the science of geology to mining. They ensure that minerals, rocks, and gems are extracted from mines, pits, and quarries, allowing maximum profit and minimal problems. They must first locate the minerals using tools such as aerial photographs, field maps, and geophysical surveys. The mining geologist then maps and makes computer models of the area and records geological data to produce accurate details of the location, structure, and distribution of minerals in a deposit. The mining geologist determines the life span and how profitable the mining venture is likely to be by assessing the grade and structure of mineral bodies.

Attributes: patient, hard-working, resilient

Wetland Biologist

Wetland biologists manage and protect wetland resources, studying the relationship between the wetlands environment and the life that lives there. They implement wetland conservation techniques, enforce regulations and provide consultation on construction projects in wetland areas. They create detailed designs for wetland identification, creation, and restoration, perform habitat assessment and conduct research on wetland processes. They may work in zoos or parks, parts of conservation programs or in public education.

Attributes: observant, patient, resilient


A taxidermist stuffs and mounts deceased animals to be displayed. They use a scalpel and precision scissors to remove an animal’s hide, feathers, or scales. Taxidermist them use salt and chemicals such as ammonium alum, potassium alum and aluminium sulphate to preserve and soften the hide, which is left to dry in a kiln or open air. They then use clay or foam to create a cast from the mould, and attach the hide to the artificial figure. The taxidermist then inserts artificial eyes, teeth, and claws and secures the animal to a plaque or mount.

Attributes: resilient, creative, observant


Primatologists study non-human primates from biological, anthropological, psychological and perspectives and may work within biology, medical research, anthropology or zoology. Primatologists seek to observe human-like behaviours, explore primate psychology, or study primate culture. They may work in zoos and other domestic environments caring for the animals or observing their behaviours and habits in the wild. Some primatologists work in laboratories assessing the biological backgrounds of apes and other human-like primates.

Attributes: patient, resilient, communicative

Military Weather Officer

Military Weather Officers are responsible for directing weather forecasting activities and integrating weather conditions into the planning of military missions as well as disaster relief and humanitarian operations. They integrate current and forecasted atmospheric and space weather conditions into operations and planning. Military Weather Officers also develop, direct and coordinate meteorological weather studies and research.

Attributes: hard-working, resilient, committed

Engineering Geologist

Engineering Geologists assess whether ground rock is stable enough and whether it is a safe type of rock on which to build. They also look at human developments that might affect the stability of the ground such as mine shafts or waste disposal sites in terms of gas leaks as well as ground stability. Engineering geologists also look at water sources, soil stability and other natural processes that could impact on a new development. They use and analyse site information such as radar images, aerial photographs, reports and geological maps prior to site investigations.

Attributes: collaborative, resilient, creative

Patent Examiner

Patent examiners inspect the technical and legal aspects of an invention in a patent application. Patent examiners get to see the latest developments in technology. They look for any evidence that the invention already exists then work out how it works, what it does, and what the new and inventive aspect of the invention is by using their technical expertise. Patent examiners then use this information to search through specialised databases. They then analyse the patent application and identify any legal issues that may be wrong with the application. They will then continue to work with the applicant to bring their application to a state where it meets all the legal requirements and a patent may be granted.

Attributes: organised, passionate, resilient


Zoologists study the anatomy, behaviour, classification, evolution and distribution of animals. They work with animals in the laboratory, in captivity or in their own habitats. Examples of the work of zoologists include animal conservation and welfare, controlling pests and diseases, drug development and testing and improving livestock in agriculture.

Attributes: patient, resilient, communicative

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A surgeon cuts the human body to remove diseased tissue or organs, to repair body systems, or to replace diseased organs with transplants. Surgeons correct physical deformities, repair bone and tissue after injuries, or perform preventive or elective surgeries on patients. Surgeons work with all types of tools, from scalpels to calipers and it is important that the surgeon fully understands all of the aspects of the tools used. Surgeons oversee the administration of medications as needed throughout the surgery and must be knowledgeable of the various types of medications used and the potential reactions when they operate on a patient.

Surgeons specialise in different types of operations, for example eye-surgeons, orthopaedic surgeons (bones) and brain surgeons.

Attribute: collaborative, resilient, hard-working