Nuclear Engineer

Nuclear engineers design, build, maintain and decommission nuclear power plants. Their work involves measuring and monitoring radiation levels, ensuring the plant meets legal requirements for safety and security, supervising power station technicians and planning safe methods of nuclear waste disposal. They maintain the systems which transfer the electricity from the generators to the outside world and design ways to improve the efficiency of nuclear power plants.

Attributes: committed, patient, resilient

Acoustics Engineer

Acoustics engineers are concerned with the science of sound and noise vibration. They are involved in designing and constructing buildings where sound improvement or noise reduction is a major priority. This could be the construction of sports stadiums and recording studios to improve how sound carries, but may also look at reducing noise interference for local residents. Acoustics engineers assess the noise impact of any construction to ensure there is minimum impact. Some acoustics engineers are involved in designing medical acoustic equipment such as ultra-scans.

Attributes: communicative, committed, open-minded

Robotics Engineer

A robotics engineer is responsible for creating robots and robotic systems that are able to perform duties that humans are unable or prefer not to complete. They design and build robots that help to make jobs safer, easier, and more efficient, particularly in the manufacturing industry. Robotics engineers may work in the agricultural, military, medical, and manufacturing industries, developing new uses for robots, designing improved robots for existing systems, or repairing and maintaining industrial robots.

Attributes: resilient, curious, open-minded


Optometrists were previously known as opticians and are trained to examine the eyes to detect defects in vision, signs of injury, ocular diseases or abnormality. They are also able to detect problems with general health, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. They make a health assessment, offer clinical advice, and prescribe spectacles or contact lenses. They refer patients to an ophthalmologist for further treatment when necessary.

Attributes: resilient, communicative, open-minded


An ophthalmologist is a medical or osteopathic doctor who specialises in eye and vision care. Ophthalmologists differ from optometrists in what they can diagnose and treat as an ophthalmologist is licensed to practice medicine and surgery. An ophthalmologist diagnoses and treats all eye diseases and performs eye surgery. They also prescribe and fit eyeglasses and contact lenses to correct vision problems. Many ophthalmologists are also involved in scientific research on the causes and cures for eye diseases and vision disorders, or specialise in areas such as glaucoma, the retina or cornea, pediatrics or neurology.

Attributes: hard-working, organised, patient


A physicist is a specialist in the science that deals with matter and energy and their interactions. Physicists can work in theoretical analysis, where they develop ideas using computer simulations and mathematical modelling techniques to make predictions and explain behaviours. They may also be involved in experimental research where they design experiments to test theories. There are many areas physicist may be involved in such as developing new medical instruments and treatments, exploring robotics and artificial intelligence or investigating new ways to generate power.

Attributes: passionate, open-minded, imaginative

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Mining Geologist

A mining geologist is a professional who applies the science of geology to mining. They ensure that minerals, rocks, and gems are extracted from mines, pits, and quarries, allowing maximum profit and minimal problems. They must first locate the minerals using tools such as aerial photographs, field maps, and geophysical surveys. The mining geologist then maps and makes computer models of the area and records geological data to produce accurate details of the location, structure, and distribution of minerals in a deposit. The mining geologist determines the life span and how profitable the mining venture is likely to be by assessing the grade and structure of mineral bodies.

Attributes: patient, hard-working, resilient

Engineering Geologist

Engineering Geologists assess whether ground rock is stable enough and whether it is a safe type of rock on which to build. They also look at human developments that might affect the stability of the ground such as mine shafts or waste disposal sites in terms of gas leaks as well as ground stability. Engineering geologists also look at water sources, soil stability and other natural processes that could impact on a new development. They use and analyse site information such as radar images, aerial photographs, reports and geological maps prior to site investigations.

Attributes: collaborative, resilient, creative


Climatologists are atmospheric scientists who study the Earth’s climate. This is the long term weather pattern of a particular area. They collect and analyse data from sources such as ice cores, soil, water, air, and plant life to find patterns in weather and learn how those patterns affect the Earth and its inhabitants. Climatologists apply their research to address local climate issues or to determine how to work different in climate conditions. They work as weather forecasters, develop new measurement tools and statistical models, conduct simulations, and translate findings into more easily understood terms for the general public.

Attributes: patient, committed, self-motivated