25th January Year 2 Materials Scientists

materialsToday Year 2 children became materials scientists and investigated materials using weight, electricity and magnets. Why not investigate how strong the materials in your home are by trying our NUSTEM at home Bridge Building activity?

Tuesday 18th January Reception Glaciologists

Today Reception children became Glaciologists and investigated melting ice. Why not try our NUSTEM melting ice activity at home? All you need is some ice cubes and bowls to put them in.

18th January Year 6 Underneath the Ice

Today Year 6 have been finding out about what happens underneath the ice in Antarctica. They then wrote their own poem about this. To Find out more and read some poems by children in other schools, visit our Underneath the Ice website page. You may even find their poems there soon!

Tuesday 11th January 2022 Nursery Marine Engineers

This afternoon children in Nursery became marine engineers and investigated floating and sinking. To try a simple floating and sinking activity at home, using only tin foil and coins, visit our NUSTEM at home Foil Boats page.

Monday 20th January Year 5 Astronomers and Key Stage 1 Family System Engineers

Today Year 5 became astronomers and found out about the development of the telescope throughout history as well as about the role of women in astronomy. They discovered what stars are made from and how astronomers know this by analysing the light they produce. To find out more about astronomy and to try some activities at home, click here.

After school, Key Stage 1 families became systems engineers. They designed, created, tested and improved marble runs to see how long they could get the marble to roll for. To find out more about systems engineering and to discover some fun activities to try at home, click here.


Tuesday 1st October Y3 Palaeontologists and KS2 Family Workshop


This afternoon Year 3 became palaeontologists, exploring fossils and using pollen samples to investigate how the earth’s climate has changed over millions of years . For more information and activities to try at home, click here.

After school, Key Stage 2 families investigated the best blade design to use on a wind turbine. Families designed, created, tested and improved designs until they found the shape that made the wind turbine shaft turn the quickest.

Wednesday 18th September 2019 Reception Bubbles

Look Bubbles!

Today Reception children had fun with bubbles and predicted what would happen if they blew bubbles with different shaped wands. Click here for more bubble information and activities.

15th January Medical Physicist and Family Workshop

This afternoon some of the classes in Key Stage 2 have been to a medical physics workshop. To find out more about medical physicists do click here.

If you would like another look at the ultrasound scan, click here.

There has also been a Key Stage 2 systems engineer family workshop. Click here to discover more systems engineer activities that you can do at home.


6th December: Magnets

Today the reception children have been exploring magnets. To find more about what they did, click here.

6th February: Medical Physics

Big thanks for having us over this afternoon, it’s always a pleasure. Today Year 3 and 4 looked at medical physics. We’ve a page of pictures and videos to take your further. After school, Luke worked with some parents building catapults!

Enjoy exploring the link, and we’ll see you again soon!