Nuclear Engineer

Nuclear engineers design, build, maintain and decommission nuclear power plants. Their work involves measuring and monitoring radiation levels, ensuring the plant meets legal requirements for safety and security, supervising power station technicians and planning safe methods of nuclear waste disposal. They maintain the systems which transfer the electricity from the generators to the outside world and design ways to improve the efficiency of nuclear power plants.

Attributes: committed, patient, resilient

Power System Engineer

Power system engineers work within electrical engineering and specialise in generating, transmitting, distributing and utilising electric power as well as dealing with the electrical components involved in these systems. They design, construct and maintain the infrastructure of an electric power company. Power system engineers also test power systems, analyse electrical power outputs and distribution and are responsible for public and worker safety.

Attributes: resilient, hard-working, organised

Live Sound Engineer

A live sound engineer works at live events to make sure the sound is of appropriate value and high quality. Live sound engineers work in music, theatres, conferences, sports and other events that require sound projection. They work with producers to identify places where changes in sound level are required. Sound engineers are responsible for pre-recording sound effects needed, the wireless microphones used and the sound that performers hear on their monitors during a live event.

Attributes: hard-working, patient, imaginative

Music Producer

A music producer oversees the entire production of an album, working with sound engineers, managers, songwriters and artists to create the final product. A music producer understands every aspect of studio production and knows how instruments and voices produce recordable sound. They must imagine the end result so they listen to, experiment with and explore all aspects of music to create a potential future hit.

Attributes: collaborative, observant, resilient

Acoustics Engineer

Acoustics engineers are concerned with the science of sound and noise vibration. They are involved in designing and constructing buildings where sound improvement or noise reduction is a major priority. This could be the construction of sports stadiums and recording studios to improve how sound carries, but may also look at reducing noise interference for local residents. Acoustics engineers assess the noise impact of any construction to ensure there is minimum impact. Some acoustics engineers are involved in designing medical acoustic equipment such as ultra-scans.

Attributes: communicative, committed, open-minded

Medical Physicist

Medical physicists specialise in the healthcare profession. They work on developing new machines and technologies to help within the field of medicine. They look at making new systems to help investigate patient’s illnesses and conditions. They also look at making sure equipment within hospitals is safe and kept up to.

Attributes, curious, creative, passionate

Sound Engineer

A sound engineer works specifically with the mechanical and technical aspects of recording, mixing, reproducing and manipulating the electronic effects of sound. They control microphones, sound levels and outputs along with their experience of acoustics to produce the best quality of sound suitable for purpose. Sound engineers don’t always work in music. There are specialist areas of sound engineering to become involved in, such as studio engineering, live sound engineering, game and audio design or audio post engineering which involves mixing and editing sound for television and movies.

Attributes: creative, self-motivated, organised


Crystallographers study atomic and molecular structures. They work in many disciplines, including chemistry, geology, biology, materials science, metallurgy and physics. They study diverse substances such as living cells, protein molecules, superconductors and ceramics. Crystallographers use methods such as x-rays, atomic force microscopy, neutron diffraction, electron crystallography, molecular modelling and high-pressure diffraction in order to discover how the atoms in a material are arranged and understand the relationship between the atomic structure and the properties of these materials.

Attributes: collaborative, passionate, hard-working


Nanotechnology is chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, engineering and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanotechnologists find ways to deliberately make materials at nanoscale to take advantage of their enhanced properties such as higher strength and weight, increased control of light spectrum, and greater chemical reactivity than their larger-scale counterparts. They also look at how matter and particles can be changed or manipulated and altered at nanoscale and the affect that these alterations have on the overall molecule or piece of matter.

Attributes: curious, creative, resilient


Chemists study chemicals and matter on atomic and molecular level. They investigate and measure reaction rates and other properties of substances in order to understand more about those substances. They experiment with simple forms of matter to understand how elements join together to form different substances. Chemists typically specialise in one of the sub disciplines of chemistry such as biochemistry, neurochemistry, nuclear chemistry or forensic chemistry- see the variety of examples below.

Attributes: creative, observant, organised

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