
Chemists study chemicals and matter on atomic and molecular level. They investigate and measure reaction rates and other properties of substances in order to understand more about those substances. They experiment with simple forms of matter to understand how elements join together to form different substances. Chemists typically specialise in one of the sub disciplines of chemistry such as biochemistry, neurochemistry, nuclear chemistry or forensic chemistry- see the variety of examples below.

Attributes: creative, observant, organised

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Diagnostic Molecular Scientist

A diagnostic molecular scientist performs diagnostic testing, designs and processes DNA and RNA isolation tests and completes research medical diagnoses including types of cancer, genetic disorders and infectious diseases. They work primarily in laboratory settings. Diagnostic molecular scientists study various human samples including blood and bone, foetal cells and hair follicles. Duties can include preparing samples, sequencing DNA, analysing data, and reporting findings.

Attributes: observant, organised, collaborative

Electrical Power Technician

Electrical power technicians work in nuclear, coal, geothermal or hydroelectric power plants. They are responsible for controlling and monitoring all of the electrical equipment. Electrical power technicians control the amount of power by maintaining the electricity and voltage throughout the power plant. Technicians also use computer systems to adjust power levels and are able to connect and disconnect them from their circuits.

Attributes: hard-working, logical, organised


An ophthalmologist is a medical or osteopathic doctor who specialises in eye and vision care. Ophthalmologists differ from optometrists in what they can diagnose and treat as an ophthalmologist is licensed to practice medicine and surgery. An ophthalmologist diagnoses and treats all eye diseases and performs eye surgery. They also prescribe and fit eyeglasses and contact lenses to correct vision problems. Many ophthalmologists are also involved in scientific research on the causes and cures for eye diseases and vision disorders, or specialise in areas such as glaucoma, the retina or cornea, pediatrics or neurology.

Attributes: hard-working, organised, patient

Electrical Engineer

Electrical engineers focus on power generation and transmission processes to create and implement electrical systems. Electrical engineers develop devices that transmit signals such as GPS and radar and biomedical devices that allow physicians to accurately assess a patient’s condition without an invasive procedure or fingerprint identification systems. They are at the forefront in developing new ways to use solar, wind, water, and other natural sources for power generation. Electrical engineers are investigating the feasibility of using superconductors to run all ship systems and create systems to ensure that satellites remain functional while orbiting the Earth.

Attributes: organised, creative, collaborative


A mineralogist is a person who studies minerals, their crystalline and chemical structures, and their properties such as melting points. Most mineralogists study minerals of economic value, such as metals like copper, aluminium, iron ore, gypsum and clays. They determine their physical and chemical properties, how to efficiently retrieve them from ores, and how to process them. They may performing chemical, heat, and other tests on samples to identify them or determine their properties. Mineralogists working for mining companies often work on enhancing the processing of minerals from ores and monitor sample collection, preparation, and analysis.

Attributes: observant, communicator, organised


A palaeontologist is a scientist who studies the fossilized remains of all kinds of organisms (plants, animals, fungi, bacteria and other single-celled living things) and the relationships between extinct plants and animals and their living relatives today. They try to understand extinction events of the past and apply this to the modern world as environments and global climates change. The work of a palaeontologist includes collecting data and samples on field trips, examining and testing samples in the lab, recording and classifying samples and collections and giving talks and managing displays and exhibitions.

Attributes: organised, observant, hard-working


Biostatisticians analyse data and statistics on living things collected during medical research studies to draw conclusions or make predictions. They work on methods in applied and theoretical statistics in order to advance the science of data analysis beyond current levels. They design biological experiments in agriculture and medicine. They collect, dissect, and summarize the data, and release information based on the findings of that data. During the execution of clinical trials, Biostatisticians monitor how the study is conducted to ensure that the integrity of the results won’t be compromised.

Attributes: collaborative, logical, organised

Regional Climate Data Researcher

A regional climate data researcher manages, analyses and prepares regional climate data for climate impact models and visualisation services. They use scientific data handling and experienced scientific interpretation of the climate sensitivity and uncertainties. They provide solutions to regional climate changes and climate impacts and make seasonal predictions on a regional scale.

Attributes: observant, organised, patient


A meteorologist studies an aspect of the atmosphere and uses scientific principles to observe, understand and be able to explain or forecast how the earth’s atmosphere affects the earth and everyone on it. In weather forecasting, meteorologist need to collect data from satellite images, radar, remote sensors and weather stations all over the world. They measure factors such as air pressure, temperature and humidity at various atmospheric levels and apply physical and mathematical relationships and sophisticated computer models to make short and long-range weather forecasts. Meteorologists may also monitor climate variability and change, research seasonal forecasting, ocean forecasting and climate prediction and apply the results of research in to give flood warnings or estimate the likely effects of global warming.

Attributes: collaborative, organised, curious