Structural Engineer

Structural engineers are focused on all aspects concerned with buildings and built structures, such as houses, hospitals, office blocks, bridges, oil rigs, ships and aircraft. They work to understand, predict and measure aspects such as the strength, stability and how rigid buildings are. They also work to develop new designs or modify the designs of buildings or structures which are to be constructed and are responsible for choosing the appropriate materials, such as concrete, steel, timber and masonry, to meet design specification.

Attributes: observant, committed, resilient

Satellite Communications Engineer

Satellite communications engineers work with the satellite systems which enable wireless communication in regions where mobile networking is not cost-effective.  They design programs that direct orbiting satellites and keep them functioning as well as conducting testing of satellite communication systems. They may also work on projects such as NASA’s Tracking and Data Relay Satellite which provides continuous communication between astronauts in space and the ground base on Earth.

Attributes: committed, organised, resilient


Nuclear Engineer

Nuclear engineers design, build, maintain and decommission nuclear power plants. Their work involves measuring and monitoring radiation levels, ensuring the plant meets legal requirements for safety and security, supervising power station technicians and planning safe methods of nuclear waste disposal. They maintain the systems which transfer the electricity from the generators to the outside world and design ways to improve the efficiency of nuclear power plants.

Attributes: committed, patient, resilient

Power System Engineer

Power system engineers work within electrical engineering and specialise in generating, transmitting, distributing and utilising electric power as well as dealing with the electrical components involved in these systems. They design, construct and maintain the infrastructure of an electric power company. Power system engineers also test power systems, analyse electrical power outputs and distribution and are responsible for public and worker safety.

Attributes: resilient, hard-working, organised

Music Producer

A music producer oversees the entire production of an album, working with sound engineers, managers, songwriters and artists to create the final product. A music producer understands every aspect of studio production and knows how instruments and voices produce recordable sound. They must imagine the end result so they listen to, experiment with and explore all aspects of music to create a potential future hit.

Attributes: collaborative, observant, resilient


Nanotechnology is chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, engineering and technology conducted at the nanoscale, which is about 1 to 100 nanometers. Nanotechnologists find ways to deliberately make materials at nanoscale to take advantage of their enhanced properties such as higher strength and weight, increased control of light spectrum, and greater chemical reactivity than their larger-scale counterparts. They also look at how matter and particles can be changed or manipulated and altered at nanoscale and the affect that these alterations have on the overall molecule or piece of matter.

Attributes: curious, creative, resilient

Solid State Physicist

Solid-state physicists study rigid matter, or solids using quantum mechanics, crystallography, electromagnetism, and metallurgy. They study how the large-scale properties of solid materials result from their atomic-scale properties. Solid-state physicists study the mechanical and thermal behaviour of solids including the thermal conductivity, the amount of energy that must be absorbed by a solid to produce a given change in temperature and the melting points of crystals. It is the electrical properties of a solid that are of most interest, in particular its electrical conductivity. This knowledge is used in the production of transistors and semi-conductors.

Attributes: committed, resilient, imaginative

Particle Physicist

A particle physicist is someone who looks at subatomic elements of matter, radiation and subatomic particles to discover how they exist, interact and shape the natural world. They seek to identify the most simple objects of which matter is composed of, and to understand the integral forces that drive their interactions and combinations. Experimental particle physicists design, build and develop the technology required to discover new particles beyond the Standard Model such as sensors, detectors and superconducting magnets. They use machines such as the Large Hadron Collider to find particles such as the Higgs boson. Theoretical particle physicists develop the advanced mathematical quantum theories which underpin the observed physics.

Attributes: imaginative, patient, resilient

Robotics Engineer

A robotics engineer is responsible for creating robots and robotic systems that are able to perform duties that humans are unable or prefer not to complete. They design and build robots that help to make jobs safer, easier, and more efficient, particularly in the manufacturing industry. Robotics engineers may work in the agricultural, military, medical, and manufacturing industries, developing new uses for robots, designing improved robots for existing systems, or repairing and maintaining industrial robots.

Attributes: resilient, curious, open-minded


Optometrists were previously known as opticians and are trained to examine the eyes to detect defects in vision, signs of injury, ocular diseases or abnormality. They are also able to detect problems with general health, such as high blood pressure or diabetes. They make a health assessment, offer clinical advice, and prescribe spectacles or contact lenses. They refer patients to an ophthalmologist for further treatment when necessary.

Attributes: resilient, communicative, open-minded